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    my ex roommate say to me...

    How do people manage to get into uni if they can't even write properly? I thought the USA had rather high standards?
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    how will find aspgerger girl at gallaudet?

    I've read the OP's comment 5 times, along with all the replies and I'm still unsure what he's asking!
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    Career dreams shattered by disability?

    So how many of you out there have had your career dreams shattered by your disability*? Personally, I've always wanted to be an airline pilot. However, it's unlikely that I'd be able to get qualified as one with moderate hearing loss. Though, I'm currently working with an organisation to...
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    Highway crackdown; tickets for 2 mph over the limit

    It's only designed to be used on relatively long straight stretches in mild traffic conditions unless you have adaptive cruise control. (which is only found on very modern mid+ range cars)
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    "Hearing Impaired" = offensive?

    Yes, that's because the use of "Impaired" on its own does imply that you can't do much. But when linked with "Hearing Impaired", it only suggests that you can't hear as well as what you should be able to. Nothing more, nothing less. Calling yourself "Deaf" when you can hear and speak clearly...
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    Jobs that are out of bounds for the HoH

    I never suggested that it was possible. :P EDIT: I see what caused the confusion. I've now moved some sentences around. :)
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    "Hearing Impaired" = offensive?

    Yes, but I had nothing to respond to it with! I don't disagree with what you said. I did say thanks for the replies lol
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    Highway crackdown; tickets for 2 mph over the limit

    That's stupid. In the UK, that's unlikely to happen. Police here are typically given an advisory on what speeds to clock people for. I.e. 79mph in a 70mph zone, 34mph in a 30mph zone etc etc. Of course, you won't find these figures officially posted anywhere! When I had just passed my test, I...
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    "Hearing Impaired" = offensive?

    Ah right, I see. :P When I was a teenager I used to label myself, and it used to beat me up sometimes but now I just take the view that nobody is 100% perfect. In many respects, being HoH is comparable to wearing glasses. The only reason why many don't think of it like that is because it's more...
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    Partially deaf male Madonna impersonator sues Simon Cowell over 'hard of hearing' jib

    Whether he was right or wrong and irrespective of the quality of the performance, what he said was used in a derogatory context and I can see why it has caused offense. Sure, I don't think people should live in a fantasy world. I.e, people should accept things for what they are. But I do think...
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    "Hearing Impaired" = offensive?

    I just read your thread, it's very interesting to see how people perceive things. It got me thinking though. I guess if I was a Dad and had normal hearing, I may also look at it that way too. For me though, I just accept it for what it is. I guess that's why I don't find it offensive. I also...
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    Jobs that are out of bounds for the HoH

    I think it would be interesting to compile a list of jobs which may be difficult or impossible for someone who is moderately HoH to get into. Some I can think of: Fireman Paramedic Front line Police officer Airline pilot Fighter pilot Security guard Soldier It would also be interesting to...
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    What did you learn today?

    I learned that in years to come, wireless electricity will be common and that we will use less wires in our homes.
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    "Hearing Impaired" = offensive?

    I've read elsewhere that many deaf or HoH people find the use of the term "Hearing Impaired" to be offensive. I honestly don't see what's wrong with the term. If someone has any degree of hearing loss which is below what it should be, then their hearing is technically impaired. So why do some...
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    Why can I hear better in nightclubs?

    I wear my BTE when I go to nightclubs. I often find that I can hear one to one conversations better than some people who are not even HoH. I.e. I have no problem having a conversation with one person even when the music is really loud. Yet often, non HoH people will struggle to have a...
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    Do you use eBay to buy stuff?

    I used to, but not so much now. 70% of the stuff I've bought on there turned out to be crap/low quality or just not what I expected.
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    So, new earmolds.. Help!?

    It can be done easily without special tools. All you need is a sharp pair of scissors. A pair of pliers (Ideally small ones) will also come in useful. This is not the best method but it works well for those without proper tools. Step 1. Get a piece of tubing. Keep in mind that you will...
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    Hearing aids vs. Headphones

    Thanks for your reply. I can hear most most if amplified sufficiently. That said, I do have trouble being able to understand some of the lyrics in many songs. (regardless of how loud it is.) However, I know that this is often the case for those who are not HoH, so I'm not sure if this is...
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    What is your favourite type of aid?

    Hi there, For those of you with a conductive hearing hearing loss, what is your favourite type of hearing aid and why? I've tried normal BTE's, a BAHA, ITE and a mini BTE. My favourite is the Mini BTE. For those who are interested, this is my experience: (skip this bit if you cba to read it...
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    Hearing aids vs. Headphones

    Hi there, I'm HoH with a moderate conductive hearing loss. I often listen to music using top of the range headphones. (not earphones/earbuds) However, I take my hearing aid out when using headphones. Do the headphones effectively work as good as a hearing aid? I.e. when the headphones are at a...