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  1. K

    To my love - 3

    That is so sweet. It is so nice to be in love especially when it is returned. My sweetie is moving to another state soon and I don't know what is going to happen.
  2. K

    What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

    I am so glad I found this thread. I love books. Like many of you I have all of Stephen Kings books, but no originals. It's funny, I have tons of books in my shed too. I have one book that is from 1878 and is a history book. The print is soooo small it is hard to read. Sadly, the cover is...
  3. K

    does anyone know of any services for the deaf in Portland Oregon?

    Thanks again you guys/gals. He is deaf, is currently teaching at two colleges down here, and not communicating with me at this time. He's mad at me. I will tell him about this stuff though, in a few days when things are calmer. I am going to ask a real dumb question and I hope I don't offend...
  4. K

    does anyone know of any services for the deaf in Portland Oregon?

    I have a way to go for that don't I?
  5. K

    does anyone know of any services for the deaf in Portland Oregon?

    Power on, you are not stupid. Stop that. I appreciate your trying to help me and if you think of anything, please tell me.
  6. K

    does anyone know of any services for the deaf in Portland Oregon?

    Gemma, I am sorry I don't know what PM is or how to do it. I would love to get in contact with you though, so please explain. Thanks
  7. K

    does anyone know of any services for the deaf in Portland Oregon?

    Thanks Brian. I will check those out and then talk to my friend about them.
  8. K

    does anyone know of any services for the deaf in Portland Oregon?

    Does anyone know the names of places in Portland Oregon that help the deaf community? I am specifically looking for organizations that interpret for the deaf in court, etc. I have a friend moving there and he is looking for a job and housing. He is currently a sign language teacher.
  9. K

    I have a problem

    I am an ASL student and I need to do an interview with a deaf person. Because of my work, I don't have time to socialize. I asked the teacher and he said I could do it this way, through the internet. Can someone please help me?
  10. K

    One more MONTH and then SCHOOL is OUT

    I need help with school You are right, school is almost out and I need help. For an assignment for my ASL class, I have to interview someone and was wondering if anyone would be able to help me. The teacher said I could do it this way, over the net.
  11. K

    My Cats ( pics! )

    What kind of dog?
  12. K

    My Cats ( pics! )

    Yeah, I love. Rescued two of the cats too. Where in Pa are you? I have an ex husband and daughter there. :rl:
  13. K

    My Cats ( pics! )

    I'm back. The four dogs are a Lhasa Apso, Yorkie, Boston Terrier, and a black Lab. The Yorkie thinks he is a Great Dane and the Lab thinks he is tiny little lap dog. He weighs over 100 pounds now and he is only 3 years old. I rescued him and the Yorkie. :angel:
  14. K

    My Cats ( pics! )

    Your cats are beautiful. I am down to 4 cats and 4 dogs right now. At one time I have had over twenty cats and twenty dogs. Used to live in the country and had pups. I was a foster parent with the SPCA several years ago and that is how I got all the cats. Plus my youngest daughter is a cat...
  15. K

    When Should I ..........

    hey, if you don't mind some advice from an old lady, don't lie to your parents. first off, they probably already know more about the situation than you think they do and secondly, you will lose their trust and that is a hard thing to get back.make sure someone knows what is going on, where you...
  16. K

    Dating Sweet Deaf guy

    I don't think you will have to worry about your parents. Once they see how happy you are and actually get to know him, they should be ok. My dad met the guy I am interested in and he was very impressed. My dad, bless his heart, is almost 80 and my friend started teaching him sign language...
  17. K

    Dating Sweet Deaf guy

    I am basically in the same position as you. I am in love with a deaf guy and he happens to be my teacher. He is the sweetest guy. I just don't know what to expect of him and what he expects of me. He has done some work on my house for me and we've been together a couple of times, even went...