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  1. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Mine could have been my guardian angel, it could have been my imagination, it could have been her. Who knows. I do know other people that this has happened to. Jiro as far as your brother is concerned, maybe you aren't as receptive as he is. Maybe it has to be done at a specific time - like...
  2. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    I most definitely am a believer. Too many weird things have happened. I swear, after my mom died, I heard her calling my name!
  3. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    You can see me freak out any time you want. I hope you have good eyes though cause you can't see me from far away or through all this smoke!!!
  4. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Yes it did
  5. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Yeah it scared me a couple of times too. There is a house here in town that is supposed to be haunted and I had to go in there one time. Beautiful old victorian house. Went inside and they had all this really old antique furniture pushed up against doors, windows, etc. It really creeped me...
  6. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    I am with you. I love reading about them too. And I love Stephen King stuff. I have even been watching reruns of Scariest Places on Earth
  7. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Good. We'll all hire you:giggle:
  8. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    I love it too. The international one is ok too
  9. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Do any of you ever watch Ghost Hunters?
  10. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Ok. Like your humor that is cool. It wasn't interesting then, it scared the s--t out of me:giggle:
  11. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Noooo. I was alone in an old house and went to the attic. When I came out of the attic, I locked all the locks on the door (3) and went into another room. When I came out the door was wide open!!! :eek3:There were no drafts or anything and one of the locks was a hook and eye and another was...
  12. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    It could be a lot of things I guess. I do believe in them, but have never seen one. Just seen a lot of weird things and had a lot of weird things happen to me that I can't expllain
  13. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Yeah kinda. I just like to keep an open mind
  14. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  15. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Have you ever seen the planet Pluto?
  16. K

    Your Favorite Seasons?

    Any season when I can go outside and BREATHE. Can' do that right now.
  17. K

    your weight

    5'8" and 175. Not fat either!
  18. K

    This IS one of the worst I've seen....

    Yeah, she is one sick woman. I have 4 cats and can't stand the smell from them and they are free roaming. Gross
  19. K

    Your Name Sign?

    Mine is the sign for crazy using a K. My ex - friend & teacher gave it to me. Hmmm.
  20. K

    17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are the Most Popular Vehicle in the World Today

    Fortunately when I ride it is usually early in the morning at which time I ride on the road, and then when coming home, I ride on sidewalks because not many people are coming form the stores, but there are a lot of cars on the road. Some of the places I ride I have to be on the sidewalk - like...