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  1. K

    Is it cheating?

    It could be considered emotional cheating. If the one person doesn't want the other to do that and they do it anyway, I think it could be considered emotional and mental cheating as well as abuse. Just my opinion though
  2. K

    single and deaf

    Why limit yourself to just a deaf girl? Why not someone who knows sign language? The more friends you have, the more likely you are to meet someone special.
  3. K

    Need your answer for this one.

    all 3
  4. K

    How do you meet a wife?

    Which ones are the hard and fast ones, the ones you won't compromise on?
  5. K

    My Keys are clean!

    my daughter
  6. K

    Outer Space blows my mind.

    Awesome isn't it? I agree with you. I don't think we could possibly be the only human types in the gallaxy. For one thing, too many people have seen things that just can't be explained and the gallaxy is just too huge
  7. K

    Someone has a Birthday

    Hope you have a great birthday
  8. K

    How do you meet a wife?

    I totally agree with you. Do something different but also be true to yourself and what you want. There are lots of us nice single women out here.
  9. K

    Are YOU a Rude Person qq

    Some people interpret direct, honest, blunt answers as being rude.
  10. K

    Ohio Grandmother Gives Birth to Daughter's Triplets

    The difference between the triplets and Bobby Darin is his family lied to him for many years. The triplets will probably know from the beginning that grandma carried them but that mom and dad really are their biological parents. Bobby Darins' mother/sister was an unwed mother if I remember...
  11. K

    Seems like every deaf person I meet is a pothead

    That sounds pretty much like a blanket statement. I know many deaf and hearing people and it is about equal. Do you hang around mainly with deaf people? That could be the reason.
  12. K

    Deaf and blind dog tied to railway line

    That is terrible. Fortunately the dog was found in time and is now back home. Those people who did that are sick.
  13. K

    World’s Most Disgusting Apartment Is In Houston

    I was a landlord to people like that. They filled the shed with raw garbage, their dogs were in the house and I found poop UNDER the wall to wall carpeting, there were buckets of dirty diapers in the backyard, trash was buried in the yard. They have been out of this house for about ten years...
  14. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    Please tell me the results. I watched on Friday, but on Wednesday I will be working late and will probably miss it. Darn! I love that show.
  15. K

    My daughter, Emma.

    I am sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter. Why didn't the teacher report it? She is a mandatory reporter isn't she? CPS in Texas is really messed up, so keep on them. Document everything that happens to your kids. Many times the abusive parent will intimidate the child and...
  16. K

    wedding veterans....

    When one of my friends got married, they put disposable cameras on each of the tables and then the guests could take pictures of the bride and groom. It was very unique and less expensive.
  17. K

    How do you meet a wife?

    With all the things you do, you should be able to meet plenty of women. When you meet one you like, be friends first. Are you in a cycling club? That would be a good place to meet someone. Don't judge by looks. Come to Marysville there are lots of single women here.
  18. K

    Who is single here?

    I am back being single again.  I think I will stay this way for a loooong time.
  19. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    I know after my mom died, I was hanging clothes on the clothesline, and I heard her call my name. When she was in the hospital dying, she kept talking to someone. I asked who it was and she said her mom. I asked where she was and mom said she is in the corner with daddy and sonny (my grandpa...
  20. K

    Is GHOST really real?

    you two are ghost hunters? Wow that is awesome. I've had a few experiences myself. I love Ghost Hunters too.