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  1. guido

    God = Alien?

    Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one feels first. :roll:
  2. guido


    The court imposed the sentence because Wal-Mart pressed charges. :roll:
  3. guido

    " I have Decided"

    Don't forget to stretch. To echo what Vampy said, start short and work your way back up. Don't get frustrated if you find yourself out of breath and need to rest. Find a comfortable distance and area you like to run, and give it a shot. Start maybe 3-4 times a week, at maybe 1 mile...
  4. guido

    Trust and Accept Deaf Brotherhood?

    It's a scam, Cheri. He'll send you $50. But when you get the cashier's check, it'll be fake, and he'll escape with your bank account and identity. Don't do it!
  5. guido

    Why do you do drugs?

    Smartasses. :roll: This thread topic is drugs, as in narcotics. Not stimulants and depressants. The mainstream use of the word "drug" is understood as illegal narcotics. Yes, almost everyone consumes caffeine or alcohol, but that's not the intended subject matter of the thread.
  6. guido

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    :bowdown: This is what I like hearing about. Just thinking about how big this universe is is mind-blowing. It's a number we cannot even begin to begin to comprehend.
  7. guido

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    I can show you a black hole if the price is right. :naughty:
  8. guido

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    Science is bullshit. :roll:
  9. guido

    Trust and Accept Deaf Brotherhood?

    For some reason, this guy makes me think "Nigerian." Hide your bank account numbers, people.
  10. guido

    Marshall DSL & 1960TV cab for my birthday

    You're getting another Marshall tube head?! Are you insane!? :eek3: Those Jubilee heads are eactually super nice. I played one awhile ago, and remember being very impressed. You're going to like it. Careful, a Bogner amp runs about a good $3-4000.
  11. guido

    I'm mad at Blues Clues

    That's my favorite show!
  12. guido

    I'm getting published!

    I will e-mail it you to in the morning. I'm a little too under the influence to do anything right now. I'm not quite the main character. I based part of the main character on myself. The story itself is mostly my own feelings and experiences than any of the charcters. I did draw a lot of...
  13. guido

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IV

    Aren't you Tuna? Or am I mistaken? :confused:
  14. guido

    Marshall DSL & 1960TV cab for my birthday

    You got a Marshall JCM2000 for your birthday?! :-o Someone really loves you. Is that cabinet one of the vintage reissue models? If you ever get the chance, try a Bogner Ecstacy. Your ears will never be satisfied again. :rockon:
  15. guido

    I'm getting published!

    I'd feel a little "exposed" if I were to post it here. It's a pretty personal short story. The story is about a young man and his frustrations with life in a small, 1960's Southern town. For anyone who wishes to read it, I don't mind sending it to you privately.
  16. guido

    I'm getting published!

    I received my narrative assignment back from my Comp II Honors professor a few days ago, and he was very impressed with it-so much that he encouraged me to submit it to the school's annual literary journal. So this December, I'll be able to boast about having my work in publication. A lot of...
  17. guido

    Courtesy and Respect in AllDeaf

    Do you realize you just opened up the proverbial can of worms, DD? Everyone on here is a victim, or at least they'd like to think they are. Simple solution? Close this forum. It was a bad idea to begin with. Anytime you allow Religious/Political discussion, emotion is going to overtake...
  18. guido

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IV

    Tuna.... :bowlol:
  19. guido

    Have you ever been hit by a taser gun?

    Actually, I was talking to Father Dowling. He's a close friend.
  20. guido

    Have you ever been hit by a taser gun?

    Father, forgive me. For I have sinned against my body.