Search results

  1. guido

    sign for Buddhism?

    In preparation for my ASL assignment this week, I'm trying to pick out some vocab I will need for the assignment. I'm having trouble finding a sign for "Buddism." Does anyone on here know of one or is it to be fingerspelled? None of the online dictionaries I've seen have it listed. I'm actually...
  2. guido

    Boy bags hogs said bigger than "hogzilla"

    This gives me a great idea for an anti-Cop campaign.:eek3:
  3. guido

    Velvet Revolver Nokia Theatre Photos

    That's Slash. He can where whatever t-shirt he wants. Cool pics Alex. Scott Weiland is a douche. Just saying.
  4. guido

    Jimmy Carter blasts George W. on his global impact

    Is he a decider? Yes.
  5. guido

    Roarrrr........... another scam !

    You publicly post your e-mail address and then ask how they got it? I'm just as bewildered as you are on this one. :confused:
  6. guido

    Jimmy Carter blasts George W. on his global impact

    Takes one to know one.
  7. guido

    Interpreting professionally.

    There's many different ITPs in the South I've looked at myself. Here's a list of th ones I know of. Georgia Perimeter College-Atlanta, GA Nashville State Community College-Nashville, TN Tennessee Temple University-Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga State-Chattanooga, TN University of Arkansas at...
  8. guido

    Your Elemental Sign?

    Air as in airhead? :rofl:
  9. guido


    And while on the topic of avatar copycats, there are too many frikken' cat avatars! Cat's are not cute. They're vile, destructive creatures.
  10. guido

    Who's got a hobby?

    I collect vinyl records and Pez dispensers, if that's what you might consider a hobby.
  11. guido


    You ought to sue for copyright infringement. Sue him! Sue the pants off him!
  12. guido

    Self Moving Trucks

    If you're looking to floor it and don't care about scenery, the logical choice would be to take whichever route takes the shortest time. I can't imagine a trip from San Diego to Sacramento saving anytime. My guess would be I-40 would be the quickest, but then again, I've never drove coast to...
  13. guido


    Lately, Ive been had a hard time putting myself in front of a camera and recording my ASL assignments. The reason I surmise is because I'm afraid of my imperfections. The pauses, the "stutters," the wrong signs, wrong syntax. I don't really know how else to put it. I'm just too afraidf of...
  14. guido

    Religion forum is now closed

    Good deal. That forum was singehandedly bringing down the quality of AD. I know I didn't help, but sometimes people let feelings get in the way of logic. Especially with topics like religion. You made a good choice, Alex. Dixie, reopening it would result in the same: people bickering, not...
  15. guido

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    Even more proof that this is just one giant circle jerk with God in the middle. :roll: For once I'd love to see some substantial proof the of the Bible's "truth" aside from the Bible. :roll:
  16. guido

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    Ughh. Why don't you just date God?
  17. guido

    Wrong Perspective About Christians

    Precisely. You're better off debating this:
  18. guido

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    That was actually my point. It is a self-defeating question.
  19. guido

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    Well, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred. So who created energy?
  20. guido

    I am back!

    I thought you had slipped into a time warp. :shock: Welcome back, dude. Glad to see you're doing alright.