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  1. P

    Med-El CI Users

    Any Med-El users around....i see lots of AB and Cochlear.... Am likely getting a Med-El implant based on the recommendation of the CI Audi and am curious what actual users think of them...not interested in what people have heard from someone else...
  2. P

    For you latenened-deafened/hoh people...

    cay...I also started losing my hearing similar to yours except mine started with a bad cold...the loss has come in at least 3 significant drops, worse in my left ear to the point where i have virtually nothing left in it and the right is not much better. I have ringing 24/7 while I am awake...
  3. P

    Interpret my Audiogram

    Anybody good at reading these things...this is my most recent Audiogram with the exception of the one the CI Audi did...didnt get a copy of that one... I was never really explained what it all means...
  4. P

    Sunnybrook and Bilaterals???

    What I was told by the folks at Sunnybrook FWIW...when I was at Sunnybrook before Xmas the Audi explained that they are funded to do 70 Cochlear Implants/year. The decision as to who gets an implant ultimately lies with the hospital. In theory (definitely not in practice) they "could" give 35...
  5. P

    Canadian Federal Civil Servant Accomodations?

    carboa.. I will be 2 years in with PSAC under EC in the new year..unfortunately for me retirement is still about 28 years away haha does the CHS pay for these units or are you basically buying from them?? I have resisted going the TTY/VCO route but since my hearing continues to decline, I...
  6. P

    Canadian Federal Civil Servant Accomodations?

    Hey loghead, As for the manditory bilingualism...that is not the case at all. Some specific jobs may be designated bilingual such as my supervisors position, however at the technician level I am at, there is no requirement at all...but you do get an $800 bonus each year if you are...
  7. P

    Canadian Federal Civil Servant Accomodations?

    I was just wondering if there are any other HOH or Deaf members that are currently or were previously employed by the Canadian Government and had accomodation measures implemented for your job. Specifically I am wondering about the Fitness To Work process through Health I am...
  8. P

    New Member in Ontario

    I know what you mean about thinking you may have missed something...thats why I always bring along my awesome fiance just in case I either miss something or get confused. At least then i have a second opinion...kinda funny when I catch something she doesnt though.. I guess the hospital...
  9. P

    New Member in Ontario

    Dr Phil et al.. Perhaps what i wrote was a little misleading regarding the preservation of residual hearing. Put it this way, my left ear (worst) has very little "useful" hearing. I only get the very low frequencies and only those at a high volume. When doing the "beeps" most of the time...
  10. P

    New Member in Ontario

    Hi all, Thanks for the warm welcome. I have been busy with work and havent been back lately. I had my appt at Toronto General last week and saw Dr. Pothier and Dr Rannalli. Unfortunately they took my case history, performed a few balance related tests and basically told me they were...
  11. P

    New Member in Ontario

    Hey there...long time lurker, first time poster... A bit of background on me...I started losing my hearing about 2.5 years ago after contracting a nasty cold. At first it was just a minor annoyance and gradually it kept getting worse to the point that I am now Moderately/Severely Hard of...