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  1. P

    Less than a week to Implant time

    I go next Thursday for my implant...yikes... I cant believe how fast time flies...Hopefully the month until activation goes as quickly.
  2. P

    can you be required to wear a hearing aid?

    Being currently in an interesting situation at work, I believe that they can "try" to get you to wear a hearing aid, but if you have proof it doesnt work for you (like myself) then they cant force you to wear it. However if the job requires a decent level of hearing as a condition of employment...
  3. P

    For the music lovers - an interesting article

    I happened across this while doing some internetting and found it to be a very well written and interesting article about the trials and tribulations of listening to music with a CI.. It really shows what is possible given time and research by dedicated individuals. Keep in mind that this...
  4. P

    Post your audiogram

    K here goes... I couldnt get Internet Explorer to let me save the image, but it worked well in Firefox....must be due to the .png format
  5. P

    Post your audiogram

    Hey I know most of this thread is older but I came across this online audiogram tool and thought some might be interested. Audiogram creator I will attempt to do mine and post it...
  6. P

    The countdown is on

    Thanks all for the best wishes....Everytime I have a doubt about having the surgery, I find another positive experience (online) and it just reinforces the positive benefits from the CI and my doubts fade, well at least for 24 hours haha
  7. P

    The countdown is on

    Well I had my pre-op exam today and went pretty well, just waiting for some minor bloodwork and if that doesnt show anything weird, I should be set for my surgery on April 14th. I cant believe how time flies....when you have something to look forward to that is...
  8. P

    Med-el opus 2

    Thanks for looking into that for me...I am going to email the Audiologist at Sunnybrook just to confirm that I am in fact getting that upgraded coil. I would imagine that each unit is custom ordered right from Austria and that they dont have a pile of them lying around, especially with the...
  9. P

    Med-el opus 2

    That would be awesome...thanks Don. I am not sure if my external equipment would be already on order or not....I wont receive it for almost 2 months. I did have to pick my "colour" at my last appt in TO.
  10. P

    Med-el opus 2

    Good to know...if it is an upgrade does that mean that new implantees will still get the old one by default unless you are willing to pay for the upgrade?? I am slated for surgery on April 14th, so I should be getting the external bits roughly mid-May.
  11. P

    residual hearing

    As I have mentioned before, I was informed by the team doing my implant that with the med-el implant and electrode combo they will be using, that I will have a greater "chance" of having some residual hearing left. This is due to a much smaller and more flexible electrode than was available in...
  12. P

    Ontario CI News

    The fact that the announcement was piggy-backed along with the child getting her implants may have been in somewhat bad taste....especially to the "Deafies", However as a soon to be implantee I welcome the news. Although it wont make the next month go any quicker for me....for many it will...
  13. P

    Ontario CI News

    I wish I could say it was 100% altruistic....unfortunately like all political decisions, the govt likely has an alterior motive... OH yah it is an election year
  14. P

    Ontario CI News

    FYI....a few interesting articles regarding todays announcement by the Provincial Government to provide a one-time cash injection into CIs in Ontario. Looks like they will almost double the number of implants done in 2011/2012. Child hears parents' voice for the first time | Canada | News |...
  15. P

    Late Deafened....When did you Come out of the Closet

    Well I dont know about you but I dont need a class to tell me I am in denial....I just dont see how telling the gas station attendant my life story is going to get me anything in life... I, however, do find it really hard to understand how "one's personal choice" is "unfortunate"... If it...
  16. P

    Med-El CI Users

    Alicia- Ok that was the last I remember should find a way to get sent to TO....its not really much farther than I have to go. If you cant get quality care in Ottawa they should be willing to send you to TO...may be on the hook for your travel expenses though. I was told by...
  17. P

    Med-El CI Users

    ahhh see I had one back in June at Toronto local ENT had sent me there as a precaution...that was even before getting the referral for a CI They did say I was lucky that I had that already as the wait time is quite long. I waited like 7 or 8 months before I had the one at...
  18. P

    Med-El CI Users

    Alicia - How long is the wait in Ottawa?? Are you back on track for the CI or is that still on hold...I remember seeing a post saying they were giving you a hard time
  19. P

    Med-El CI Users

    PFH - just one of the joys of the Universal Health Care system... Honestly it doesnt bother me one bit....I trust the doctors judgement (they were already recommending Med-El) I have done a tonne of research into Med-El and I am very pleased with what I have found...I think they are...
  20. P

    Med-El CI Users

    First Consult with the CI Audi was Nov 23rd I believe....two months later consult with Surgeon...3 months later 5 months in total The doc mentioned they got a batch of Grant money just before Xmas and that really cut the wait time down...I am not sure if this was specific to...