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  1. P

    Trying to stick magnets to my head

    But I havent tried " Go Go Gadget Magnets" lol that must be my problem
  2. P

    Trying to stick magnets to my head

    Hahah oddly enough today is the first day I havent taken my meds....pain meds that is lol Yah i tried our strongest fridge magnet which is on a can opener....still no luck. I guess it really doesnt take much extra fluid etc to weaken the magnetic field. I just thought my neices and...
  3. P

    Trying to stick magnets to my head

    k....I know I have too much free time on my hands but I have been trying to stick a magnet to my head for hours in an attempt to figure out where the implant is actually located. No luck....must need a stronger magnet....I think I have some speakers around here that I can rip apart lol...
  4. P

    New for 2011: Listing of New Canadian Relay Services

    Sign up with my parents account....awesome idea.. Here I was thinkin I would have to go back to Bell which after almost 6 or so years of avoiding them like the plague I wasnt really looking forward to. Not that my current combo of Rogers cell and Cable phone are the least bit useful to me...
  5. P

    new surgery date

    Is that a good thing??? lol
  6. P

    Staples Out

    Thats kinda what I figured...I know he said he was super careful to expose the facial nerves, perhaps this is why so low?? Id say if you were looking dead on that the cut goes about a half an inch past the bottom of the ear...but from where it leaves the ear at the back, it is more like 1.5...
  7. P

    Profoundly deaf - anyone like me, have CI?

    Good luck with the appt.. I can certainly understand wanting to take your time and weigh out the options. Of course I will be just about 6 months from initial consult with the CI Audi til activation time in 3 weeks. Yes I rushed through the process basically as quickly as the system would...
  8. P

    Staples Out

    Nope not normally a keloid former, have had one past surgery with about a 4 inch scar and it is flat as can be (but quite noticeable) 100s of self inflicted wounds over the last 30 years and actually pretty much no visible scarring except when I tan in the summer, then a few of the more...
  9. P

    Staples Out

    Heres a pic of the "scar" after just getting the staples out today.... To me it seems like he went a lot further down than he needed to, and you cant really see it in this pic but the incision is fairly lumpy at the tail. ike it is almost rolled over on itself. Hopefully that flattens...
  10. P

    new surgery date

    And yes there are no external buttons or switches on the Med-El processor meaning you HAVE to use the remote but from the sounds of it, once you get a few Mappings you wont have much need for it. The unit itself is mostly batteries (the whole tail piece) I imagine this is similar for the...
  11. P

    new surgery date

    That is their Cochlear Implant external processor... Here is another pic showing it on a me it actually looks smaller when it is in place than just the unit by it self.
  12. P

    new surgery date

    Good luck...I was the recipient of a Med-El implant just last Thursday. Still waiting for my activation on May 12. Like you I had no choice but to go with Med-El in my Province. However, from my research they seem to be just as good or better than the other two brands. Of course now I have...
  13. P

    Im alive....

    May 12th is the big activation day....I believe it will be a very exciting but emotional day.. Luckily for me its been about 3 years that I have been losing the environmental sounds so hopefullly my brain will pick them back up fairly quickly...but of course I am going into this all with...
  14. P

    Im alive....

    Thanks again... Ahh I dont take what Bebonang says (emoticons) with a grain of salt. She has made up her mind that CIs are not necessary....not everyone agrees with that. But she is entitled to her opinion.. As I was not helped by HAs, this was the logical next step... It is true I...
  15. P

    Im alive....

    Yayyyy Still pretty tired but not in too much pain. The Dr said they got the electrode all the way in and he was hopeful that he was able to save at least some of my residual hearing. I figure it is too soon to say on that front though....still very swollen but there might be something...
  16. P

    Less than a week to Implant time

    Thanks again all for your tips....I head out tomorrow to go to Toronto (about 4 hours away). They will call tomorrow with the surgery time when they know when the OR will be available. Spend the night tomorrow in a hotel....I am guessing I will have an early start on Thursday so they can...
  17. P

    Less than a week to Implant time

    Actually I am in Ontario Canada and here it is just a day surgery...I will go in early in the day and be discharged some point in the afternoon.....kinda scary that Ireland keeps you for 7 days and we dont even get one night I plan to ask for the anti-nausea stuff and dont expect the pain to...
  18. P

    Less than a week to Implant time

    Lol yah that doesnt sound like much fun...although being discharged means I wont be getting as much of the "good stuff".. I did note it on the anesthesia disclaimer thing i signed at my last appt. I will be sure to mention it again though.
  19. P

    Less than a week to Implant time

    lol thanks for the tips.. Ive had surgery in the past (to tighten the tendons up in my shoulder) so I know somewhat to expect... count backwards from 100. 99. 98...wake up in recovery lol...but man I was freezing so I was shivering like mad and they had this warm air filled blanket thing...
  20. P

    Less than a week to Implant time

    Thanks for the best wishes... nope not moi....I think there is another Pat that had one done recently though