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  1. P

    telecoil equiped cell phone.

    Adam The FM boot is irrelevant for using the should be able to use the CI "as is" with the exception of pressing the T (telecoil) or the MT (Microphone and telecoil) button on the Finetuner. The telecoil feature is built in to the OPUS 2 unit itself. The other battery cover is...
  2. P

    telecoil equiped cell phone.

    Actually to the best of my knowledge no CI's currently have any Bluetooth capabilities built in... Having said that there are various ways of using a bluetooth enabled phone and getting the infomation over to the CI. There are a number of posts on this topic already. The most common setup...
  3. P

    Trying to stick magnets to my head

    Still going with highest power magnet but since I have no discomfort or pain, the audiologist said not to worry. She did give me the next one down, which worked in her office but then the next morning when the skin sort of puffed back up it wouldnt stick so I have been using the 4 ever since.
  4. P

    Activation Day...

    Yah it is very much individual as to when you will feel up to going back to work. And if your job is more demanding than say an office job, you might need to wait a bit longer. I found my biggest problem was tiring quickly, likely due to not sleeping very well as every time I rolled over I...
  5. P

    How long do your CI batteries last

    Hey I was just wondering how long peoples CI batteries are lasting them... All brands of processor are welcome and both disposable and rechargeable batteries if you know. Ill start. With my current mapping which apparently will suck up the juice since I am just in the early programming...
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    Thoughts after a few days activated

    Beachgirl- the last ENT I saw in Toronto (aka the big city with the better drs lol) pretty much shrugged his shoulders and very politely said "you got me stumped". Due to the fact that the lost started concurrently with a bad head cold, where my ears really plugged up and werent draining for...
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    We have many advantages of being deaf

    Tuning out noisy neighbours partying while trying to sleep....
  8. P

    Thoughts after a few days activated

    Well i started losing my hearing about 3 years ago at the age of 27...progressed in a series of drops to basically profound in my left ear (now implanted) and severely hoh in my right. As I said above I dont think I ever realized how deaf I was until getting the instantly when I...
  9. P

    Smaller coil?

    I cant answer that question for you, but I can say I will take the size of the coil over an annoying ear mold any day. To me it is a small price to pay, I dont find my coil overly large, I have the Med-El Opus 2 processor. It easily fits underneath a ball cap (which i normally wear 24/7)...
  10. P

    Thoughts after a few days activated

    Well here I am after about 5 days of being activated. I blasted through the first program on the CI in just about 3 I am on to program two and am probably going to max that one out before friday when I go for my next mapping. As I have said before I am hearing all kinds of...
  11. P

    How are you feeling with your CI so far?

    Well I am only about 5 days post activiation but I am loving it so far...I dont take the CI off except to sleep and shower. And like some other people have mentioned...I feel like I really had no clue how deaf I was until taking the CI off after wearing it for a bit... I have noticed that...
  12. P

    Trying to stick magnets to my head

    Unfortunately that is currently the strongest magnet....duct tape it is....where can I get the digital camo stuff??? lol
  13. P

    Trying to stick magnets to my head

    Managed to send the CI flying off my head today at the gas station....still not sure how, just turned really quickly and off it went. No damage though thank god...looks like when I am out and about ill wear my ball cap to at least keep the magnet on...the processor might pop off my ear but not...
  14. P

    Activation Day...

    Hi noomie welcome to alldeaf. I assume you stumbled on this site much as i did...looking for some answers to the 100s of questions you likely have about the CI process. I am glad you have enjoyed reading my experiences...hopefully these are just the beginning of an exciting journey for...
  15. P

    Activation Day...

    Actually water was the first "noise" I heard as we left the audiology dept at the hospital I could here a sort of splashing noise and looking around I saw a worker cleaning a rock in a pond down on the level below wasnt too bad because it was far away....but then later I was in a...
  16. P

    Activation Day...

    Thanks Beach girl...I guess thats what I get for having an English teacher for a mother haha.... I just found specific experience stories lacking on here when I was looking for information and hope that others can use my experiences to help them make an informed decision. I plan to keep...
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    Activation Day...

    First time in about 3 years....goes to show how much you get used to sounds and then once they are gone and come back they are loud once again
  18. P

    Activation Day...

    Thanks Bottesini Not only paper....keys jingling, ice cubes in a glass...many of these "simple" sounds are crazy loud atm.....but yet cant hear the clackin of the keyboard yet....weird... I know over time all these sounds will come and my brain will make sense of them....
  19. P

    Activation Day...

    Hi All As most of you know today was my activation day... Everything went great... Started with a hearing test (unaided) on the implanted ear only and the audi confirmed what I already knew....there is still some residual hearing in my implanted ear, although it has dropped some but I...
  20. P

    ptcallaghan good luck on activation today!!!

    adam sent you a pm....for everyone else ill post a new thread.