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  1. R

    Even patients with a cochlear implant could benefit with an improved neuronal compone

    Sure!!! You are welcome!!! Anyway, don't count too much on that. We have catholic church making a lot of pressure against these kind of medical activities. Although we have some excellent research centers, it is always difficult to go on on that without a strong opposition by public opinion...
  2. R

    One Question about stem cells

    The signal will be IN THEORY better, right. When the procedure will be fine tuned it will be. Potential is far better than any electronic technology for sure! It's true the expectations for stem cells are much higher and potentially they are a big step forward over the exixting CI/HA...
  3. R

    Even patients with a cochlear implant could benefit with an improved neuronal compone

    Sure! I didnt mean that! I am from and live in Italy. Italy is often cited for many problems it has, but besides not being the very first country in all the fields, it is a reasonable example of reliable developed country, expecially for the health system. Good you are aware of that!! But do...
  4. R

    Even patients with a cochlear implant could benefit with an improved neuronal compone

    Travelling to countries where health systems are not well established and controlled put your life in risk. Seriously. Is it worth to risk the life for restoring hearing? Fortunately hearing loss is not a disease, nor a danger for life! Only once FDA will approve it, it can be considered safe...
  5. R

    One Question about stem cells

    I do not see how adjustment for stem cells can be faster than CI. It's still the very same story, let the brain to adapt to the new hearing signal. Of course, hearing in the frequencies where you have a residual would be much different with a CI, but remember the brain is a wonderful machine and...
  6. R

    Hearing aids aren't like glasses for those who are deaf.

    The same as here we care a little about other types of disabilities... Not surprising, if you are not involved in the thing, you don't care. Nevertheless there are many deaf or hoh people, potentially a big business, thus several corporations actually care!! That's why there is something to do...
  7. R

    Even patients with a cochlear implant could benefit with an improved neuronal compone

    I understand everything. It's clear the stem cells perspective are wonderful. The only thing I really cannot understand is how it is possible to base such a crucial choice on expectations about the timing of a novel technology. 20-15-5 years are predictions! It is impossible to know when a...
  8. R

    Stem close or not close?

    That's "inverse" discrimination. If that happens they are not real friends. Nothing to add.
  9. R

    Hearing aids aren't like glasses for those who are deaf.

    Well I found the data in a presentation of: Carol Flexer, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor Emeritus The University of Akron and NOAC Akron, Ohio USA Carol Flexer, Ph.D., Audiologist The pdf can be accessed here...
  10. R

    Hearing aids aren't like glasses for those who are deaf.

    I think that if you have a look at the whole picture, it's perfectly true that if you can hear 20/30db or better in some frequencies you do better than the most of CIers IN THOSE FREQUENCIES, the point is that usually people with severe or profound hearing losses, can reach that level in the...
  11. R

    Human Trial of Embryonic Stem Cell Research Stopped Due to Animal Problems

    Sure, the point is that if there is a genetic issue, using self stem cells, would simply not work. Own stem cells will carry the genetic problem and once evolved into tissue, the problem will still be there...
  12. R

    An idea for a CI alarm clock

    Apart from that, you would need to generate a significant magnetic field in your bedroom to cause a luod enough buzz, not a wonderful idea, imho...
  13. R

    CI Brands

    There are several threads on this matter. This thread is one of the most interesting, probably: Actually what you can conclude is that none is really better than the others. There could be some...
  14. R

    Poll: Interested in the search for hearing loss cure? (e.g. stem cell, biomedical)

    CHEAPER: how can you say it? Nobody can know how much it will cost. It could be cheaper but even more expensive. SAFER: it is possible, but there is no data about possible complications and risks. I do not really understand how you can be so sure. BETTER: that's for sure. It promises to be...
  15. R

    Full Stem Cell Press Release...

    Somebody should explain why ci corporation marketing announcements are "criminal", while those of a company collecting and preserving stem cells is "the cure is behind the corner"...
  16. R

    Will cochlear implants be obsolete when stem cells comes?

    Clinical trials aren't an easy task. Often they take several years. Anyway, the thing will be much much more complicated than it seems to some of you. Genetic theraphy, in vivo tissue growth, cellular proliferation and self-organization are largely unknown phenomena, there are so many things...
  17. R

    Covering of hearing aids with your hair

    It's weird, 'cause glasses have a very strong impact on the face and apparently nobody is ashame of that. At the contrary glasses have become a fancy accessory. HA/CI just stay on the ear, they can be hardly visible from certain point of view (though CI especially can be definitely bulky) and...
  18. R

    The debate may be wrong

    Unfortunately the bad thing of relying on the research of the private companies is that everything is evaluated in the perspective of the final profit. Before investing 1 buck in research, a corporation makes sure that there will be 10 or 100 bucks back from the sales of the new...
  19. R

    Will cochlear implants be obsolete when stem cells comes?

    I don't think we should create a "stem cells vs CI" debate at this point. The only certain thing is that CI is an actual solution, while stem cells therapy at the moment is simply a perspective. OK there are significant advances in the field, but we are still pretty far away from the clinical...
  20. R

    Will cochlear implants be obsolete when stem cells comes?

    I think it is just too early for any forecast. The future for CI and HA will depend on the success of the stem cells therapy, but we will probably need to wait many years to see this technique mature enough and really be able to come to a well argumented judgements. Hopefully, stem cells will...