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  1. HelloKittyGal

    Did you have epdurial?

    Do you think that if all of your past families had natural birth, chances are you will go through it without a second thought about pain? My mother said that you forget all about pain once you have the child. Any of you take Lamaze classes? I think it's embarrassing to pretend to breath...
  2. HelloKittyGal

    Cochlear Implants: Sooner Is Better For Deaf Children

    Seriously? Where did you get this information? You cannot get a CI if you get 80 percent of words correct on a test. They do several tests on children than they do adults. So what? If they yapped, what's so annoying about that? It's an amazing journey for them. I don't think you'll...
  3. HelloKittyGal

    Sign in if you're proud to be Deaf

    I don't know what is it that's "pride in deafness." Deafness can be difficult to live with at times, so I don't think it's all what it's cracked up to be. I can get a goodnight sleep, such as on July 5th a thunderstorm at 3 am, told by mom, but I didn't hear it. I am not sure that I can say...
  4. HelloKittyGal

    CI's...for those who have gotten them

    I know that list. It's for those who have problems with CI. We all know that CI can sometimes cause not to be successful sometimes. We also know that the CI can be successful the majority of the time. It's a risk. I choose to take it, and it's been successful in my own way. It's an...
  5. HelloKittyGal

    Did you have epdurial?

    I see, so does an epidurial injection hurt? Doesn't it hurt at first? I think it's a horrendous thing. It's a big needle, and I am a wimp when it comes to vaccination or needles. :nono: I dunno if I'd pick that over a painful vaginal birth. :D
  6. HelloKittyGal

    Pregnant teenagers

    I think that I will support whatever they decide. I would prefer that they keep the child because I can't imagine that under any circumstances giving your child away for adoption. Abortion is never going to be something I will encourange. It's crazy and ripping apart something the person has...
  7. HelloKittyGal

    Did you have epdurial?

    OKay, I have never been preganat, and I am not planning on getting pregnant. I am confused and wondering, doesn't an epidurial hurt? They have to sew you up after. Do they give you anesthesia when you have the epidural and after they sew you up? Honestly, if they don't offer anesthesia, I...
  8. HelloKittyGal

    Caller ID

    I mentioned that it has a Caller ID already built in, but it doesn't work without service which I knew from reading the booklet. I just wanted to know the price. Thanks. I will call the company or see online and ask.
  9. HelloKittyGal

    Cochlear Implants: Sooner Is Better For Deaf Children

    You have reasons, but I don't know what else could we do that could predict the future on how children will do. I have heard for 2 very ASL kids who got CI in when they got around 9 and 14. They never heard their whole lives or talked, but they were improving and trying to make speech sounds...
  10. HelloKittyGal

    Could you speak and lipead?

    CI= cochlear implant for short. :) I never learned Spanish sign language. I never did. Then, I came to the United States and learned it in English from interpreters in 7th grade through oral of course, or I wouldn't make out what sign language meant. :dizzy: Well, you could a bit right...
  11. HelloKittyGal

    Cochlear Implants: Sooner Is Better For Deaf Children

    I know it's a little weird, but the younger, the better. It's totally safe and the risks are just as any other operation in the world wether you are a child or an adult. The truth is that most deaf children recover faster than adults. It took me a week to feel normal, but a few months to feel...
  12. HelloKittyGal

    Difference about American and European women

    Arr, arr, arr, arrrrrrrr *trying to hold my bursting laughter cuz my mom and bro are sleeping* I actually hate thong showing throgh for the public. I think it's not polite. I mean, save it for your sweetie, goodness!
  13. HelloKittyGal

    Caller ID

    Okay, so how much is Caller ID? We have a cordless phone that you can have Caller ID if activated. Please tell me the real price before you say "I don't know!" :mrgreen: The reason I asked is because I want to try the phone someday with the CI, but because I am a scaredy kitty, I haven't done...
  14. HelloKittyGal

    Could you speak and lipead?

    I speak and read lips in Spanish and English :D. I got a CI 3 years ago. It improved my lip reading skills and speech in English cuz Spanish was fine, but I did learn a thing or two that I never heard with hearing aids about Spanish pronounciation :ugh:. I always wonder why my mother never...