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  1. HelloKittyGal

    TTY and policy

    I once called the main campus (university) to ask about counseling service fee and health insurance. I was put on hold and hung up, so when they finally had someone talk, they said that they cannot use the relay, and to use their website and e-mail. I was in shock because what if a deaf...
  2. HelloKittyGal

    student in Austin, Tx

    Have the hearing kids spend time being "deaf" wearing earplugs to see what it's like to be deaf or hard of hearing.
  3. HelloKittyGal

    Pet Peeve ...

    How about the airline deduct an amount from our travel ticket? I mean, we don't get caption benefits, so why do we have to pay to maintain their tv's for the hearies?
  4. HelloKittyGal

    All DEAF??

    Alex, thanks for posting. One of the thing is that I really do not want to see the emoticons. So far, I like AllDeaf, but the emoticons is something that I see and would rather have the options to turn them off. Maybe you could have an option to turn them on and off for whoever wishes it? I...
  5. HelloKittyGal


    I'd rather mingle with Deaf that are open than the militants. I don't think that Christian being open to KKK is a good analogy. I know the KKK is pure crap, so I don't even need to be open to them. What would be the point? KKK and Deaf militants are haters.
  6. HelloKittyGal

    All DEAF??

    What are the reasons?
  7. HelloKittyGal

    Are the Disables parents allow to adopt or foster the babies/children?

    I disagree with the German law, but I can understand their ignorancy. Somehow they just think that because you don't hear you don't have a brain to know how to manage children. They just don't know how we think in our little head that it's just like everyone else. The only way to change...
  8. HelloKittyGal

    Pet Peeve ...

    One time I was in the flight, and they knew I was hearing impaired. The lady was passing out headphones, and I said, "no thanks." She said, "well, take it anyway." WTF for? I just ended up leaving it there in the seat backcover thingy where you have magazines and doggy bags for barfing? LOL
  9. HelloKittyGal

    All DEAF??

    I can't believe this site bleeps out the other website forums. That's selfish.
  10. HelloKittyGal

    All DEAF??

    I agree that it would be interesting to have deaf discussions. I believe that it's best to start it yourself if you have that question, I'd be happy to participate. The thing is that overtime deaf people eventually become bored and talk about real life other than deafness. For example, I...
  11. HelloKittyGal


    Thank you for your advices. I did notice a Wendy's close by that everyone had some sort of earphones over their ear. Not one was without it.
  12. HelloKittyGal

    If there was no moms

    Eww..I don't like that these poor kids were used to do these pictures. How rude!
  13. HelloKittyGal

    Kisser Isn't As Harmless As It Seems

    While the article is true, I have to say that this is an overconcern. This is for those who are culturally apt to kiss someone as a form of greeting. It's an European and Latin American form of greeting. You're never going to stop that. I don't tend to kiss anyone that's not my family...
  14. HelloKittyGal


    Well VamPyrox, you're an easy going guy about hearing loss and NTID/RIT. Thanks for your information. I'll PM or whatever if I have further questions :D
  15. HelloKittyGal

    Fantasy Girlfriend or Boyfriend: Who Would You Pick?

    The Rock? :naughty: LOL I think I usually like celebrities that are not famous like Ben Affleck or those idiots. Dunno...makes them less cute to me.
  16. HelloKittyGal

    J.Lo preggers......

    I agree she's a crazy person with an unstable mind about committment or who to committ. I just learned right now that she is expecting, and for a long time J.LO wanted to have a family, so I am kind of happy for her. She's getting old, but yeah, without marriage stability--that just sucks...
  17. HelloKittyGal

    Advice please!

    Boy, you people don't notice that this is a frigging old post! I just wasted my time...great.
  18. HelloKittyGal

    Advice please!

    What if this guy brings up a silly lawsuit? You know how it is nowaday. Feather, what does this guy do that you need to try to communicate? Maybe we can figure out what the problem is from his behavior?
  19. HelloKittyGal

    Do you have....

    Wow, that's aweful Cheri.
  20. HelloKittyGal

    CI in children

    I hope this goes away one day..never give up hope!