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  1. HelloKittyGal


    Okay, yesterday my mom and I went shopping. We went to this furniture store. There was this guy and someone else. Anyway, I tried to look at things, then I just go bored and stayed at the front viewing a catalog. The cute guy came and asked, "Is there anything I can help you with?" I know...
  2. HelloKittyGal

    Do you want the emoticons removed?

    That story makes me laugh a little, but I am not like that one "little boy." My mother's overprotective somehow. She does not want me to see any sexual images online. She gripes about it when it pops on her e-mail as Spam EVERY time. I tell her to get over it, and just change e-mails. She...
  3. HelloKittyGal

    Prohibition Of Asl In House

    VamPyrox. For me, I did not know sign language growing up, so it did not matter if I "wanted" to use it as I had to clue of it anyway, if you know what I mean. I think once you introduce sign language, then the child will then know of other options available to use. In my own perspective...
  4. HelloKittyGal

    Teacher for the Deaf

    Bachelor's Degree?! Man, do I want that? I don't think so LOL. Eventually, yes, but just to get into a deaf school teaching? Come one really? Anyway, but VamPyrox, I meant in the other forum, not this one. No one answered it, so I thought about posting it here. I can't type the forum name as...
  5. HelloKittyGal

    Prohibition Of Asl In House

    Well, I have a different view. My mother wanted to raise me oral, so I was never taught sign language. She didn't want me to learn because she wanted me to speak. There was nothing wrong with that. I was fine with it as I was never mad about her choice. My mother doesn't care if I use it...
  6. HelloKittyGal

    Should I get CI or not?

    I just wanted to say that not every CI person uses an earmold to their CI BTE. Mostly children do use them. Most adults don't need it, but some people like it for security reasons, though it really stays on rather well without it. I also wanted to say that how often you replace things for...
  7. HelloKittyGal

    Should I get CI or not?

    You need to decide for yourself. You may lose some of these friends who are against it, but they are not true friends. You can always be involved in the deaf community. Nobody can stop you from that, and you won't become hearing--just have a much better hearing. What's wrong with that...
  8. HelloKittyGal

    Should I get CI or not?

    It will be a reality some day. I am not sure why it matters that these schools and professionasl will lose their jobs. They can always go back to school. Things changes. Why does it matter that much? Maybe these deaf kids will not need to struggle with extra, extra support in these schools...
  9. HelloKittyGal

    Teacher for the Deaf

    I posted this in another forum, but no on seems to know the answer....I guess. Anyway, does anyone know what degree I need to become a teacher for the deaf? I mean, I would like exposure to all kinds of deafness. Could be a school for the deaf or oralism school or whatever. That way I can...
  10. HelloKittyGal

    Do you want the emoticons removed?

    I thought Alex PMed me to write a final post to this. Thanks a lot for not doing so. That's nice to say something and not do anything. I think there should be an effort made. At least try to make a program to make it available to the Penisarium users only or a way to turn it off, so others...
  11. HelloKittyGal

    What kind of Education would you choose for your dhh kid?

    Because many deaf schools are not great in academics. It's one of the reasons I doubted going to a deaf school in high school. It was only the social aspect that I lacked. If you weight education vs. sociality, you'd pick education over it. You can't get 100 percent of what you want...
  12. HelloKittyGal

    What kind of Education would you choose for your dhh kid?

    My mother raised me oral. She did not want me to raise me using sign language because she did not want me to get used to signing and not talk. My mother put me in a deaf program, but it did not work out because I was losing my speech and mimicking sounds of the deaf children while losing my...
  13. HelloKittyGal

    CI's...for those who have gotten them

    Yes, I always wonder that about every deaf person. The video was free from the Oral Deaf school in Missouri. I am not sure if they still have free copies. The girl had very, very unintelligible speech. It was very obvious and very different from now than before. However, I can say that I am...
  14. HelloKittyGal

    Do you want the emoticons removed?

    If it is a freedom of speech message board, then can a lady here post her nude pics? Is that okay because it's her Freedom of Speech to use her Code of Conduct as she pleases? I am trying to set a point. There's always a line drawn when it comes to anything. They are drawn smilies, but it's...
  15. HelloKittyGal

    Do you want the emoticons removed?

    No, because as I stated, you have the choice to click or not. It's clear from the outside that it's a gay or sex topic, so I have a choice to go in or not which I very rarely do. The emoticons have no options. I like to use some of them, but if they are not on the sides, then I must open...
  16. HelloKittyGal

    Do you want the emoticons removed?

    I think that if you want pornography...go to a porn site or porn smily sites. The thing is that we should be mature adults and realize that pornographic implied objects can be offensive to some population. It has nothing to do with closed-mindedness. I was raised better than that. I just...
  17. HelloKittyGal

    Atten Adm Alex

    Did someone suggest the dirty sexual emoticons or were they Alex's idea? I am still curious why the emoticons are there. I'd like the option to turn them off.
  18. HelloKittyGal

    What kind of Education would you choose for your dhh kid?

    Not every deaf person gets harrassed in hearing schools. I was never made fun of or harrassed especially not for my hearing loss. I went to a program of all kids who used sign language or not really good orally. Instead of improving on my speech I began to babble like a deaf child. My...
  19. HelloKittyGal

    Pet Peeve ...

    Yes, they charge 5 dollars. At the time I was younger and had a "babysitter" attendant where they took kids who were flying solo. She didn't charge me, but WTF give me something that she knew I could not hear.
  20. HelloKittyGal

    Do you want the emoticons removed?

    Do you want the dirty emoticons removed? Alex said that he'd remove them if many people did not like the dirty emoticons. I find AllDeaf to be a pleasant place to chat and would like to continue to be here, but I am not very happy with the dirty emoticons. I would wish that they either be...