Search results

  1. MushyCookies

    What's your favorite food?

    Anything homemade! =P but if I want to clog my arteries up a bit, I like pizza, ice cream and chicken Alfredo, hehe.
  2. MushyCookies

    HOH girl with relationship problems

    I have dated some men like him. Let's just say they are not worth your time if they have no desire to listen to how you feel, or want to change to make the relationship work, they are not worth your time and they don't deserve you. You are beautiful. Wish ya the best of lucks. :)
  3. MushyCookies

    Doctor Who Quiz(for fans)

    Incest at it's best. Muhahaha.
  4. MushyCookies


    Hey Chris :D I like your tattoos! What is the one your chest of?
  5. MushyCookies

    Doctor Who Quiz(for fans)

    1. Christopher Eccelston/David Tennant. (CAN'T CHOOSE ONE.) 2. Defintely Bowties. 3. Hat. 4. Billie Pipers. 5. Can't decide. D: 6. Weeping angels.
  6. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    So stressed out, feeling somewhat alone/lonely.
  7. MushyCookies


    No actually, it is of a heart on my left chest. It have real scar over some of it. Represents me perfectly. :)
  8. MushyCookies

    New Girl

    IT IS NOT!! my cookies = yummy and good :(
  9. MushyCookies


    I did that for 3 years, staying home and not doing much. I can totally relate with you! I would love to try and come up with some solutions sometime. I am part of a Paranormal Team so Staying home is not an option anymore for me. :P
  10. MushyCookies


    You have described the situation perfectly. That was actually what was happening to me tonight when i was out with a group. I have not thought of it that way. If i had an ASL student with me, i would kind of feel the same way. But i am not that type of person who would push some body off or...
  11. MushyCookies


    Me too. :)
  12. MushyCookies


    I don't have much choice when it comes to friends in real life. The deaf community are not as nice as they were after they heard and started believing a rumor that was not true. So i am basically stuck with the Hearies.
  13. MushyCookies


    Are you 100% deaf or HoH or an ASL student?
  14. MushyCookies


    GentleLove4ever- You are sweet and your username matches. I appreciate the advice. ChefDylan- I try to give eveerybody a 2nd chance. But as of recently I have gotten rid of a lot of people that didn't deserve to be graced with my presence anymore. :P
  15. MushyCookies


    Here's what i posted on my facebook after a bad night with a couple of my friends. "Ok, i have had enough. To everybody on my friend list that don't know ASL, Here's a few things deaf people absoultely hate having to deal with when they are hanging out with you.. 1. When you get mad or...
  16. MushyCookies

    Picture of your pets

    Awww, why the closet? :P
  17. MushyCookies

    Picture of your pets

    I don't think mine is entirely stupid but everything she does is kind of pointless lol. like biting water in a pool, chasing a finger of yours without any instigating... oh and eat everything she sees..:giggle: But she was a big help when i was in a serious depression after a Boyfriend passed...
  18. MushyCookies

    Picture of your pets

    I am sooo mean to him sometimes but you can see why. He is so adorable it should be illegal.
  19. MushyCookies

    Picture of your pets

    that's all for today. :)
  20. MushyCookies

    Picture of your pets
