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  1. MushyCookies

    A new girl on this web site

    (i am sure you know he was joking but ... DON'T anyone any personal informations such as SSN) lol :P
  2. MushyCookies

    A new girl on this web site

    XD heh.
  3. MushyCookies

    Update on Hockeydude77(AKA Chris)

    Yep, bad luck streak, i told ya. He announced it on here earlier and then a week later he got into this accident...
  4. MushyCookies

    Update on Hockeydude77(AKA Chris)

    Yes he got it, if you want more information on the result, you should ask him.. but yes it came back positive for cancer.
  5. MushyCookies

    Need advice on communicating with HoH bf

    I am going to have to agree with Bottesini on this one. Yeah, that was a bit harsh but it is the truth. =/ It is clear that those issues bother you, so very much that you put it in a bold text form.... and you don't seem to be wanting to change to accommodate to his hearing issues. I honestly...
  6. MushyCookies

    Update on Hockeydude77(AKA Chris)

    Yeah! It amazes me. The cops that said the injuries were minor said that when they first took him into the hospital. They didn't know about the heart puncture injury. The doctor found the bleeding yesterday or 2 days ago. (Not certain)
  7. MushyCookies

    Update on Hockeydude77(AKA Chris)

    UPDATE: Hockeydude77 He was getting better for a while but then took a turn for the worse. They found some internal bleed around his heart. Apparently during the impact when the truck hit, One of his ribs punctured his heart. So he was rushed to the emergency room not long ago. They did an...
  8. MushyCookies


    Oh Tim, Typical answer from you! :lol:
  9. MushyCookies

    Airlines can say: You can't wear that

    Yeah, It is not really a Provocative picture but it sure attracted ChefDylan's attention lol... You are beautiful, can't blame him! :laugh2:
  10. MushyCookies

    kik messenger, instagram

    Yeah, that! It works mostly for devices like Phones/tablets. I will look into KIK later tonight You guys should message me your Scn so i can add you after i download it.
  11. MushyCookies

    my daughter is ill

    Yeah i would recommend you taking her to Urgent care center. Better safe than sorry! I hope your Daughter is ok!
  12. MushyCookies

    I would like to have deaf friends

    Welcome to AllDeaf!!!
  13. MushyCookies


    O.o riiiiiigggghhhhtttt :lol:
  14. MushyCookies


    LOL. They do not draw on it, they just tattoo it after putting the Stencil on... The guy was pretty creepy though..
  15. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    Stressed out and worried about Chris/Hockeydude77. =(
  16. MushyCookies


    I know this is not a good picture but My chest tattoo is there. if you look closely, you will see the scars. (it was not intended to happen but represents me perfectly.)
  17. MushyCookies

    Walking/Running, Anyone?

    Say what?.... ;P
  18. MushyCookies

    What did you do today? Part II

    Hung out with a friend i have not seen for over 8 years. :D I am amazed at how much signs he learned and how easy it was to understand him despite the fact he only have one hand and half of all his fingers are gone.
  19. MushyCookies

    kik messenger, instagram

    I have been meaning to try out KIK soon. I have textplus too.