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  1. MushyCookies

    What are you eating?

    Naw, That WILL NEVER happen. ;) I can support myself just fine, I gotta lose some pounds anyways. lol
  2. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    Note to self: never think about breaking into DeafTim's house. :shock: The burglars would have fun at mine... My pug is a vicious licker...
  3. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    I am glad you survived, I would hate to be responsible for your death, Jess. D:
  4. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    One is mine, the rest are roommates's but yes 5 dogs lol. It is indeed stressful sometimes. What type of dogs do you have?
  5. MushyCookies

    What are you eating?

    I'm soooooo hungry, being broke sucks bad now. I ghetto now, ate air all day. >.>
  6. MushyCookies

    Weird habits?

    I learnt just now that Using my dogs as my mousepads isn't working out well for me. :P Anybody Have any weird habits/things that they do?? Just curious! :giggle:
  7. MushyCookies

    Roommate Needed

    I have always had bad lucks with Deaf/hearing roommates. I can not get along with them. Mostly because of the space thing and cleaniness. I really hope you filter and question the potiential roomies before letting them under the roof.
  8. MushyCookies

    Deaf in the Militaryn (Video - Subtitled)

    I had a deaf friend who use hearing aids, Jimmy. He got into marine with no problems. They didn't know he was deaf until they found him in the shower with the hearing aids on the bench. haha. I also had a little bit of fun messing with a recuiter over emails. I asked him for opinions on the deaf...
  9. MushyCookies

    German drug firm makes first apology for thalidomide

    Wow that is sad... I agree, a little too late. I have a good friend who has only one hand with half the fingers. No hand on the left. Half a foot on the left leg. Scars all over him, 2 big ones on his face cheeks. I am not sure what his condition is exactly but He is a very happy person. His...
  10. MushyCookies

    Who is single here?

    Heh, you guys are too funny.
  11. MushyCookies

    Does anyone else feel like their life was ruined by mainstream school

    I am not quite sure about DHH programs around here. There are not many resources/assistance that are around here, or adveristed at least. It is a good school for people that is struggling with certain subjects. I passed everything with flying colors so it wasn't the right school for me. There...
  12. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    Things are looking up now :) House is a mess though... Thanks to the 5 dawgs (dogs) Lesson learnt today, Do not leave a roll of paper towel on the coffee table.........
  13. MushyCookies

    Hi ! Anyone New York City people?

    Yeah.. a little odd to be trying to find Hearing people on a DEAF forum. But whatever floats your boat. Welcome to ALLDEAF!
  14. MushyCookies

    I'm boring

    That was pretty much the end of the argument. :)
  15. MushyCookies

    I'm boring

    Naw, I am good! Thank you for your concern, it is sweet, Matty!
  16. MushyCookies

    I'm boring

    Ha, that was just ONE of the things you said to me.
  17. MushyCookies

    I'm boring

    I never said you wanted sex. Smartie pant, I said you were instigating for sexual CONVERSTATIONS. And No I will not go to bed.
  18. MushyCookies

    I'm boring

    You see, YOU even admit that I am saying the truth. You just can't accept it. You mistake me as a bitch for telling you straight up what my thought were on the comments you made toward me. Do you want me to lie? So you can go on and think you are all fine and dandy while you are actually not. I...
  19. MushyCookies

    I'm boring

    Whoa i don't know what the f*** your problem is but i am glad you deleted me now. I don't need people like that talking to me. GOOD LUCK on life. You really need it now that i have seen how you react to the truth.
  20. MushyCookies

    I'm boring

    You did not say anything abusive or cruel toward me, Matty. You asked me if i thought Aussies guys were hot after i asked how your day were.. It made me feel like you only have one intention with all the ladies. I am sorry but i am really am not into talking to one track minded guys.