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  1. MushyCookies

    mom put her twins on potty trains in restaurants!!

    THis is just so wrong/unsantiary....... especially with food around. Pedo bears' field day. Ugh.
  2. MushyCookies

    For Butch/Femme

    I am the exactly same way! :D :giggle:
  3. MushyCookies

    introducing myself..

    Welcome to the forum offically. :P
  4. MushyCookies

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    I am thinking and wondering if it is really possible I got fooled by "friend" of mine =\ did he lie or make up some stories that are not true. Also makes me wonder how gullible I am too.
  5. MushyCookies

    Any Where In The World

    Travelling without a destination is really fun. Believe me. You never know what you may come across.
  6. MushyCookies

    What did you do today? Part II

    Spent all morning trying to reach a person on here after getting suicidal texts. I Hate worrying like this. I hope he is alright.
  7. MushyCookies

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    I am thinking the Tables leaning on the wall need to stop stubbing my toes and ripping my nail in half. IMA BURN THAT THING DOWN. D: I am just so thankful i have some pain meds <3 Night all.
  8. MushyCookies

    Physical difficulties and ASL?

    I can understand him pretty good, i just find myself stuttering when i forget he only has one hand. Many of the signs can be signed with just one, but some certain ones are a bit confusing or hard to understand. I was pretty tired when i wrote the thread, i could have phrased it all a bit...
  9. MushyCookies

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Thinking of just taking the whole day off from everything and snuggle up in the blanket pile. XD
  10. MushyCookies

    Divorcee's Ex wife/husband

    I wouldn't ever make my guy go over there.... that is kind of stupid. Ex + husband/spouse = never a good thing. From my experience.
  11. MushyCookies

    Any Where In The World

    Aww poor ya! I would strap my kid to bed until its a reasonable time to wake up -.- (not serious) someday maybe a toy truck will get to greet my face in the morning...SOMEDAY.
  12. MushyCookies

    Physical difficulties and ASL?

    I have a few friends that are missing certain parts like Arms, fingers and eye. This one particular friend that I have that goes by 'Kye' aka Stubbz. He has only one hand and the fingers are partial. Half gone.. basically only the first section of the fingers are there. He has a cousin that is...
  13. MushyCookies


    Make sure you copy, but first delete the http part and then paste the whole link. It doesn't work with double http. ;)
  14. MushyCookies

    Any Where In The World

    How come you can't sleep? Catching up on posts and comments! I have been missing out on a lot.
  15. MushyCookies

    Any Where In The World

    Justagirl... you are up early today!
  16. MushyCookies

    Any Where In The World

    Bahamas for me! I have never gotten out of the west states. Blaah.
  17. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    Stuck in a farm town atm. =/
  18. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    Stressed out. Having a serious Stalker problem. I had something bad happen to me last week and the guy tried to talk to me... i blocked him/ignored him, He went Crazy. He found my parent's address and left notes with his number on it. Spoke to everybody i knew and Telling lies to try and get...
  19. MushyCookies

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Thinking.... How the heck did i got myself into this mess. Ugh.
  20. MushyCookies

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

    I had to deal with some not so nice situations recently. I am back though. Fear this secksay beast. <3