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  1. K


    No I am not a spammer. I am a mother of a toddler diagnosed as almost deaf and I am trying to be informed so as to do for him what is best. Maybe what I ask seems foolish to you, I don't know. Maybe it's still the shock I am under.
  2. K


    OK it seems too good (and simple) to be true however I saw that this method is based on a scientific study (I don't know whether I am allowed to write here the name of the scientist). So I just wondered...
  3. K


    I guess that the CDs should be used from those who do not have a harmed hearing nerve, right? How can I know that my son belongs in this group? His exams (ABR, ASSR) showed that one ear is completely deaf while the other gives a response at 100 dB. He was OK at birth, with a clear medical...
  4. K


    Has any of you with hearing problems tried to listen to special CDs that promise to help restore hearing providing a variety of frequencies so as to activate the hearing nerve? I was thinking whether this method could help my son (16 months old) who was diagnosed as profoundly deaf however he...
  5. K

    Can a baby learn talking when hearing through hearing aids?

    Thanks guys... So I guess that he can learn to talk but it will be difficult right? And to be on the safe side we should also sign? Thank God he is a very social and expressive baby (my parents still cannot believe that he is almost deaf since they say that he does not "look" deaf and kind of...
  6. K

    Can a baby learn talking when hearing through hearing aids?

    yes we will always live here; our society is in general quite negative towards deaf people that use ASL, that's why I would like my baby to learn talking-if that's feasible of course...
  7. K

    Middle ear fluid and hearing loss

    We had the exam (ABR, ASSR) for our son's hearing the other day however nobody talked to us about the possibility of ear fluid and I was wondering why they ruled it out.
  8. K

    Can a baby learn talking when hearing through hearing aids?

    Did you learn to talk while you were hearing through hearing aids? I was wondering how easy could that be for a baby, that's why I am asking....
  9. K

    Can a baby learn talking when hearing through hearing aids?

    The problem is that we live in Greece... ASL is not common here, I am afraid that he is going to face great problems with that only... Do you think that it will be impossible for him to learn to talk???
  10. K

    Can a baby learn talking when hearing through hearing aids?

    Dear all, This week we found out that our 16-month old son is practically deaf (neurosensitory type). I have so many questions... I guess that what matters to me most is this: can my baby hear and gradually learn talking only with hearing aids of high quality? Or is implanting our only choice...