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  1. K


    He does have speech therapy and I try to work with him all the time, at home. Is there any chance that he will not need an implant if there is such a great hearing loss? And he will be able to talk?
  2. K


    Is it common to have a practically deaf baby wear HAs before being implanted? I mean for the months until the surgery. Because this is what the doctor told us about my son, however while speaking with other parents, they asked me what's the point in HAs ("would you put eye-glasses to a blind...
  3. K

    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Yes deafdyke, his fine motor seems OK. He is getting speech therapy, for both spoken language and signing. I just do not know how quickly he should start using his signs.
  4. K

    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Given his hypotonia additionally to the ear issue, should I expect that he will acquire signing more slowly? I have no such experience in my family and do not know which pace is "normal" for a toddler to learn using new signs. Any clues?
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    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Deafdyke, I do hope so. My son has physical therapy and his therapist told me that even if he could hear, he would have a delay in the speaking compartment. So I guess that, given additionally his hearing, things with speaking will be a little tough. Should I expect him to acquire signs quickly...
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    Deaf baby and motor skills

    He does use a few signs (food, sleep for example) after a lot of work. Do you visit a neurologist in America? What stresses me is that no doctor gives us a specific answer, everyone says "go on with the implant" without taking into consideration the rest ..
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    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Frankiesmom, that is exactly our thought, whether the CI is an answer since we have no diagnosis about his other issues. His ear doctor says that the deafness is independent and that we should go on with the implant, the neurologists say that he is a little late in his motor skills because he...
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    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Could maybe a DNA test shed light on our issues? Any experience from any of you?
  9. K

    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Thanks for your answers. I thought about the little hat but I was told that it affects the sound he hears through his HAs and I should better avoid it. How long should we wait for the HAs to make a difference? HE has been wearing them since the first days of November (not full time) and I think...
  10. K

    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Also, another question: his brain MRI is normal. Does that mean something? Unfortunately, the doctors cannot give us answers they say that we "wait and see" so I have started searching the web. For the hearing part, my baby has started wearing HAs (he throws them every 30 secs) and we will apply...
  11. K

    Deaf baby and motor skills

    His speech therapist has started signing and I am also trying at home. He has started to use 3-4 signs already. It's strange, my son has good fine motor skills (eating on his own, "writing" with crayons etc) but his gross motor skills seem to be the problem... Is there a test we could run to see...
  12. K

    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Did you have a diagnosis about all this?
  13. K

    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Safari girl, would you mind giving me some more info about what you experienced? did you have physiotherapy? Our therapist says that my son's mobile issues will get better by practice but I am anxious about their origin.
  14. K

    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Dear all, My 17-month old baby boy is deaf and also facing difficulties in his motor skills. He was a little late in all his milestones, he does not yet walk unaided and is having physiotherapy for his trunk hypotonia. We have put him to loads of tests, thank God everything coming back normal...
  15. K


    Action that could be of use to my child instead of feeling sad.
  16. K


    I know that this is not the end of the world for us, it may well be a new challenge. Apart from the first shock, I just try to imagine what life will be for him being "different" in a world with people that can hear. But I guess that since the doc told us about cochlear implants, we are talking...
  17. K


    I am really sorry that I look like a spam to you. I am just freaked out and trying to do what is best. The method I read about is called Tomatis method if I am not mistaken. And no it is not so simple for us to go to Athens, neither so cheap neither do we have everything prepaid from our...
  18. K


    Unfortunately, I live in a greek island... There is no school for deaf here. This is partially why I am so shocked, I think it will be really tough.
  19. K


    thanks sallylou
  20. K


    what is a FYI?