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  1. K

    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    We use both talking and signing. The problem is that today, during our visit to the paediatrician for vaccination, he told me to visit neurologists AGAIN since my boy's symptoms (deafness, skin rash for which we have no diagnosis and mild hypotonia of the trunk which caused delays to gross motor...
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    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    He is 19 months old so we cannot know exactly what is going on, if he hears but he's indifferent to noises while wearing HAs etc...
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    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    As a matter of fact my son did all the necessary exams, all turning out OK... I was just wondering whether his whole medical record (late walking due to mild hypotonia, face rash which we did not attribute at something) could be a problem in his responding to a future implantation. According to...
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    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    I have no problem with him being deaf, I just read that one should not rush the CI decision, since kids that had it were not really deaf. I am wondering how long should we wait? He is now wearing HAs from which he seems to get no benefit (no response to sounds, he produces aaa aaaa aaaa aaa like...
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    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    My 19-month old son is a CI candidate, according to our ENT doctor he is appropriate (no malformations of the inner ear however we have not found WHY he is profoundly deaf). He also was a late walker and has a face rash (no pathological findings for either of these situations). I was wondering...
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    Deaf baby and motor skills

    Given my son's motor skills problems (plus the reason for his hearing loss has not been found) the doctors now say that it could me some kind of damage in his labyrinth (however his brain MRI came out normal...) I was wondering whether it is possible for a kid with a labyrinth damage to have an...
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    1,5-year old wearing HAs going to CI

    Thanks Alley cat! Good tip.
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    1,5-year old wearing HAs going to CI

    I mean that sometimes he reacts to lower sounds, while most of the times he is indifferent to loud ones. How long should we wait before we get the CI surgery? Is a 6-month period with full time HAs OK? I should note though, that he has been making new sounds himself (his speech therapist says he...
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    1,5-year old wearing HAs going to CI

    My 1,5-year old boy has been wearing his HAs full time since Christmas. He has been making new sounds and is now (thank God) used to them, however he does not have systematic reactions to loud sounds and his speech therapist is very anxious about that. Is this normal? Should we wait for about 6...
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    Deaf baby and motor skills

    My son has been taking several vitamins and aminoacids for a couple of months. It's quite strange, his hypotonia is only at the trunk. I believe that this is why he cannot walk unaided yet. On the other hand, we have checked his thyroid and done loads of blood tests. We are now waiting the...
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    Thanks again, messymama. i have arranged a trip to Athens in a couple of months in order to get in touch with the local organisation for the deaf; my island is too small so I have never met a deaf person. As for my younger (deaf) son, I think that I have accepted he is adorable, hearing or not...
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    Cooperation with my 18-month old deaf boy

    Messymama, thanks! My son too gets off his aids when he is angry, with one move!! I have another question... How one can be sure that the CI will help his kid? I mean we have done all the tests needed (MRI, CT etc) and they show that my son could be implanted, however are we SURE that this thing...
  13. K


    Our speech therapist told me today that, since my son does not have systematic responses to sound (even loud sounds) I should contact the company from which we bought the HAs and ask for turning up their volume. She says that he SHOULD respond to loud noises, no matter what, with the HAs. Is...
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    Deaf baby and motor skills

    After all, the MRI and CT scans showed, thank God, no ear abnormalities. We are also waiting for results from DNA tests (we were told to do so, they will be ready in a couple of months).
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    Cooperation with my 18-month old deaf boy

    Unfortunately, in our island there is no such therapist, just speech therapist (we see one twice a week) who has some expertise on special education in general. I am also concerned about discipline matters, since he cannot hear "NO". For the time being, I sign "NO" for it but it just won't do.
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    Cooperation with my 18-month old deaf boy

    My 18-month old profoundly deaf boy has started making huge tantrums, not taking no for an answer, wanting to get his own way in everything etc. I had the same problem with my elder hearing boy but I just hoped that by explaining him, things would eventually turn out OK (as they did). However...
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    Yes Cloggy, That is our plan, wearing HAs while waiting for the CI surgery.
  18. K


    And today "warm", "nice". Tomorrow we are travelling to get some tests done. HOpe everything turns out Ok.
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    Update on us with the HAs: good news is that my son has stopped throwing them away so often; he is also producing new sounds. It seems to me as if he is saying words in his own way: aa e aaaa a a a (or something like that, he has stopped the aaaaaaaaaaaaa stuff). He is also using some singns...
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    Thanks CSign for the wonderful and moving post. Yes my son is a wonderful boy (as is my elder hearing boy) and I admit that, at times, I get overwhelmed by all the medical stuff and I get overanxious about how his future will turn out, if he will be happy etc... I'll try to remember your advice.