Search results

  1. P

    Boy gets his hearing back following theft

    Ignorant people. They really should learn a bit more about what they're talking about before throwing words around! :roll::roll: "He got his hearing back" my ass.
  2. P

    New digitals

    Congrats! I love my digital (a Unitron 360e for my right ear - my left ear is deaf so I can't use any HA at all). So far I really haven't had much of a problem with music on it.
  3. P

    The Kinect - anyone know...?

    Well, I ended up ordering my Kinect from They ended up not having any at any of the local stores when I went. They showed stock as being 1 or 2 in a couple locations where 1 was a demo unit and another was a boxed unit. This made a store hunt impossible. Can't wait to get my...
  4. P

    So, I am still single

    Sorry but I have to say - this was pretty freaking hilarious. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
  5. P

    best hd tv

    Exactly. I used to be a home theater nut (I even have an SVS subwoofer - I can't wait until I have my own place again so I can use it again), so I'm well aware of the differences between the torch mode that many sets are exhibited on while on store display and then the calibrated sets at home...
  6. P

    best hd tv

    That's true- Vizio isn't top of the line. But they do make amazing TVs. When it came down to the price comparison value vs. quality, however, I don't think Sony TVs are that great (and this is coming from a long time Sony fan that had a WEGA before switching to Toshiba then VIZIO). I've...
  7. P

    best hd tv

    That list is very biased. They don't even include the 240 Hz VIZIO (I have the 42" model below), which far and away outshines Samsung and other models that cost double the price. SV422XVT - LCD HDTVs | VIZIO
  8. P

    Post Your Computer Setup

    ROTFLMAO!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. P

    Why not Cochlear Transplants?!

    Too bad the mods can't lock all my threads to prevent this nonsense. WTH is this BS? Create your own thread instead of digging up year old posts with no relevant material being added to them - please. Thanks. :cool2:
  10. P

    A Cure

    It may actually be here sooner than we think. I can't think of a more credible source than the Stanford University School of Medicine. Aiming to cure deafness, scientists first to create functional inner-ear cells Aiming to cure deafness, Stanford scientists first to create functional...
  11. P

    built my new pc 3 week ago lol

    I have that same power supply on my new PC I built back in March. w00t!!
  12. P

    Transition from analog to digital

    A small intro: I am deaf in my left ear which can't be aided by any hearing aid, and severe - profound in my right ear with the loss in that ear starting @ 60 dB and going down from there. Good luck on the transition to Digital! It took me awhile myself. I had a terrible experience with...
  13. P

    Born deaf, a Pinellas County girl starts school - and hears the school bell

    LOL...of course I probably should have read the responses sooner, but still... Hello fellow 4th grader - it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. P

    Born deaf, a Pinellas County girl starts school - and hears the school bell

    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: What a freaking crock of bull****!!!! I would like to show her a thing or two about my reading level - deaf left ear w/a severe-profound right ear wearing a single HA my whole life!!!!! I type 90 wpm and writing, coding, & design are MAJOR parts of...
  15. P

    CIs, hearing restoration, oh my!

    Yeah, what's up with that? If you want to discuss a topic create a new thread.
  16. P

    Which Brand Would You Choose??? HAs

    My favorite is Unitron. My latest hearing aid is a Unitron 360e BTE. I can only benefit from one in my right ear since my left ear is totally deaf. I've had nearly no trouble in noisy environments and sweat isn't a problem due to its rugged construction/durability (which is especially handy...
  17. P

    soundbite: new hearing device

    Interesting. Sounds like this would best be used for bone conduction losses only, though.
  18. P

    Texas School says no to Lesbian Parents

    Tracy Torme` - Hollywood film producer, son of Mel Torme`, Jazz singer? Never heard of a guy being named Tracy? Seriously?????
  19. P

    Microsoft raising Xbox Live fees

    Wow the PS3 equivalent of XBox live is free? Why didn't I find that out before? Hopefully it'll still be that way when I (hopefully) get a PS3 for my birthday next month! That sucks that M$ is raising their prices. But, what else can you expect? That is, after all, what they're all about...