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  1. P


    Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Awesome!!
  2. P

    Disco bullies attack deaf girl

    I disagree. I think that would be a proper punishment.
  3. P

    HAs and glasses

    I've worn glasses for over 10 years and a hearing aid in my right ear since I was 3, and I've never had trouble.
  4. P

    How do you get Rid of FireFox!!

    I've used FireFox extensively and never had to update FireFox like it's asking you to nor is it slow - it's one of the best fastest browsers I've ever used. Sounds to me like you have serious problems with your computer that have nothing to do with FireFox.
  5. P

    HP kills TouchPad, looks to exit PC business

    Not worth it to buy HP products period...
  6. P

    Finally getting a new iMac!!!!!

    After becoming more and more familiar with my new 27" iMac with Lion over the past few days I think I've almost fallen in love. An amazing machine. Using the computer is FUN again. I got so sick of Windows every day. Now to get back to having fun. :cool::cool::cool::cool:
  7. P

    Finally getting a new iMac!!!!!

    Thank you Jiro!!! Well this is my first post from my new iMac whoo-hoo!!!! Turns out they DID end up installing Lion, but I'm not feeling too bad about it. I really like it so far. Yiiiippeeeeeeee I love it!!!! :D
  8. P

    Finally getting a new iMac!!!!!

    Not what I've heard. I've heard about tons of problems with Lion. Video games (WoW especially) lagging on specc'ed out iMacs, video issues, flash issues, overheating as a result of the software, and many other glitches. I'd rather have a solid OS and wait until the problems are fixed before...
  9. P

    Finally getting a new iMac!!!!!

    Thank you for the link! I'll have to check it out. Thanks everyone for clearing that up. :D My order has been updated to preparing for shipment. OMG I can't stand it and can't wait! :D :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
  10. P

    Finally getting a new iMac!!!!!

    Ok I talked to Apple support earlier today. They said my iMac will be coming with Snow Leopard. YAY!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
  11. P

    Finally getting a new iMac!!!!!

    Lion comes with the really sleek, beautiful, amazingly designed reflective menu bar right? I don't want that ugly black menu bar that I've seen in some Youtube videos like the one below. I just don't want to panic if I boot up and I see that black menu bar in Lion instead of the beautiful OS X...
  12. P

    Finally getting a new iMac!!!!!

    No idea. I'm not too thrilled with some of what people are saying about Lion, so I'm kind of hoping I get lucky and will get snow leopard instead. I've played with it and love it. Haven't used Lion yet. If I get Lion hopefully they'll have worked out all the minor issues by now. Have you...
  13. P

    Finally getting a new iMac!!!!!

    I've wanted one FOREVER!!!!! Specs are: 27" 3.4 GHz 1 TB HD 8GB RAM AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB GDDR5 Excited? Yup yup. :hyper::hyper::hyper: :thumb::thumb::thumb:
  14. P

    Stem cell treatment

    I can't believe what I'm reading. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  15. P

    Sooooo FRUSTRATING!!!! I hate my new hearing aid.

    LOL - WOW - a way way way older thread ended up being resurrected! Anyway, as an update to this thread (which I think I added to a separate thread update...) I'm pleased to say that now I have a Unitron 360e hearing aid, and I absolutely LOVE it. Absolutely fantastic and does the job really...
  16. P

    If I am required to wear a HA as per U..........

    I recommend the Unitron 360e. It's a super power aid made especially for tough conditions. I've worn it while working out and sweating profusely and that didn't bother it one bit (whereas by comparison my Canta 7 from GN ReSound quit working after the first 15 minutes of being exposed to...
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    The Wristwatch

    I stopped wearing a watch because I sit at a computer all day for work. There's no point in wearing a watch when all it does is get in the way of your typing.
  18. P

    My video question from magician to magician (About hearing again with CI) - Subtitled

    Good to see you posting here again sir! Wow your speech is pretty fantastic considering how long you were deaf. Incredible. Well done! Love the video!!
  19. P

    Leaving Starkey and my Audi...

    WOW!!!! How terrible! I only paid like $1600 for my single HA for my right ear. Granted my audi is excellent and gave me a bit of a discount so keep that in mind. :shock: :shock: If you don't mind I'd like to provide my own recommendation - mine is a Unitron 360e and it's the best hearing...