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  1. P

    Has anyone ever had these hearing aid issues?

    Mine is a Unitron 360e power digital aid - I have had it for just over 3 years now. Anyway yeah I have an appointment already. Just want to get some additional feedback regarding what I may have to do at this point. Hopefully I can just have it repaired. That would be the best scenario.
  2. P

    Has anyone ever had these hearing aid issues?

    Almost totally on cue after buying an awesome laptop and paying off my iMac, my hearing aid has started having these issues: 1. Using the mode button (randomly) causes it to completely turn off entirely. The only way to get it to do anything is to open and close up the battery door again...
  3. P

    I Finally Got a New Macbook Pro!

    Agreed. I've seen the same from HP. I would never buy an HP laptop in a million years.
  4. P

    I Finally Got a New Macbook Pro!

    Exactly. I happen to love Apple's style (ever since getting my 27" iMac), so it was a no brainer for me. So far, Apple has definitely met my needs beyond my expectations.
  5. P

    I Finally Got a New Macbook Pro!

    Well I did it! Finally went to Best Buy, pulled the trigger and bought myself a new Macbook Pro 13.3". Outstanding machine. And a very nice portable addition to my 27" iMac. :D
  6. P

    Question: Your computer monitor size

    I have a 27" widescreen monitor. :D
  7. P

    Good OTE headset for iPhone 4S?

    Hey cool! I found a pair that's iPhone certified...nevermind!! :D :D
  8. P

    Good OTE headset for iPhone 4S?

    Does anyone know of a good quality over the ear headset with a microphone with high quality sound for the iPhone 4S? Using the standard ITE ones that I have been able to find thus far in Google searches are impossible with my hearing aid (as all of you can imagine). Thank you in advance.
  9. P

    Embryonic Stem Cells Improve the Sight of Legally Blind Women

    Yup. That's true. I was a little taken aback seeing this as real news on a site like CNN. I'm very interested in seeing further results as these treatments develop.
  10. P

    Embryonic Stem Cells Improve the Sight of Legally Blind Women

    :shock: :shock: Embryonic stem cells improve sight of legally blind women -
  11. P

    YEAH! Just got myself a Playstation 3

    Not yet. I wanted to play my PS3 tonight but ran into a lot of website work. Gonna have to play Dark Souls tomorrow. I can't wait to play it!! :cool2: Nice! I'll probably end up getting Bioshock at one point too.
  12. P

    YEAH! Just got myself a Playstation 3

    I've wanted one forever! Also picked up: The new Mortal Kombat Dark Souls God Of War Whoo-hooooooooo!!!! :D :D :D Who else has one? And what are your favorite games??
  13. P

    Child hit by meniningitis five times and left deaf can hear again thanks to computer-

    Very scary. Five times. :shock: :shock: :shock:
  14. P

    Deaf woman regained hearing after life-changing surgery... but it cost her the sense

    I agree with this. I would probably die if I never could taste the wonderful deliciousness of Pick Up Stix house special beef ever again!
  15. P

    Deaf woman regained hearing after life-changing surgery... but it cost her the sense

    Did it happen to her immediately? Only reason why I ask is because I have had my tonsils removed and I am HOH, but it is attributed to me having a high fever rather than from a tonsilectomy. Although, my grandmother has suspected for years that it was as a result of the tonsilectomy.
  16. P

    29 years old and hearing myself for the first time

    This is her video, on her own page talking about herself in the first person, so I'm pretty sure she made that title. Although it is a little misleading to say that if she's not totally deaf and has some hearing in one of her ears, and totally deaf in the other.
  17. P

    29 years old and hearing myself for the first time

    She specifically states on her YouTube page that she was born deaf.
  18. P

    29 years old and hearing myself for the first time

    I was looking through their site and apparently it now works for severe loss: Indications
  19. P

    Deaf woman hears her voice with new hearing implant

    I already posted this.
  20. P

    29 years old and hearing myself for the first time

    29 year old deaf girl receives Envoy Esteem hearing implant - hears herself for the first time: 29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time! - YouTube