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  1. P

    It's About Time for a New Hearing Aid

    I chose graphite grey. And I chose UP.
  2. P

    It's About Time for a New Hearing Aid

    I wanted to at least try it, but my audie's office doesn't work with Oticon. I have a very long relationship with them and they are very familiar with my hearing loss and what it will require - plus I am able to get in ASAP when needed for an appointment. And I trust his recommendation for my...
  3. P

    It's About Time for a New Hearing Aid

    YAY! So glad my audie is back. They are never allowed to go on vacation again!!!! Haha only kidding. Maybe... :nono::nono: So I ordered the Phonak NAIDA Q with ComPilot and TV link. YAAAYYYY! I can't wait!!!!! :eek3::eek3::eek3::hyper::hyper::hyper:
  4. P

    It's About Time for a New Hearing Aid

    That's what I gather too while reading everyone's experiences with them. I am going to make sure my audie programs in a separate program if I get the NAIDAs. Not sure yet. I'm planning on asking him about trialing both the NAIDAs and Oticon's Agils and seeing which one I like best. Next...
  5. P

    New Naida Q

    Here is the professional data sheet for the Naida Qs listing all of their differences. Trust me - as a guy in new hearing aid mode I've been doing my research for awhile now. Hehehe! Naida Q Professional Data sheet
  6. P

    It's About Time for a New Hearing Aid

    Another week until my audie gets back. This is driving me nuts. Argh!! On the other hand, this gives me time for as much research as possible. After doing further research I am now looking into the Oticons. I will ask my audie what he thinks. I'm thinking I will splurge and grab the...
  7. P

    It's About Time for a New Hearing Aid

    Definitely!!! Although, my audiologist is now on vacation for three weeks but I get paid Friday. So I will be sitting here for one week waiting to get paid, and two additional weeks waiting for my audiologist to get back. Dangit!!! I am never patient when it comes to this kind of stuff. I can't...
  8. P

    It's About Time for a New Hearing Aid

    Thank you NaidaUP and SarfariGirl2011. I've read just about everything I can get my hands on regarding the Naidas over this past weekend but it still doesn't seem like I've read enough. I guess the next step is to try them. I may end up being able to do so over the next week or two when I...
  9. P

    It's About Time for a New Hearing Aid

    Hello, everyone!!! Long time no chat :) :wave: My hearing aid is due for a replacement as it is at the 4-5 year mark where these things tend to just go for no reason, so I'm going to purchase a new one. My audiologist has recommended a Phonak NAIDA Q for my hearing loss in my right ear (listed...
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    Cord Blood Stem Cell Treatments Restore Hearing in Human Toddler

    The results are encouraging. This is from July, 2012. Anyone have any recent results of the year long study yet? Cord Blood Stem Cells Restore Hearing in Toddler - ABC News
  11. P

    For those with profound hearing loss...

    It's always interesting seeing my old threads pop up from time to time... :wave:
  12. P

    old analog user trying to adjust to digitals, NEED HELP!

    I am the EXACT same way. Have worn analogs since I was 3 years old. I am now 32. Switched to digitals...far too much quietness and muffledness in the signal for me. I need the power like an analog signal provides. Have you adjusted the compression levels as low as you can (rather than high...
  13. P

    Darn you steam sale, get out of my wallet

    And because of your post I went out and got Windows 7 and am now installing it on my iMac and Macbook Pro so I can play these games =P I echo your sentiments - darn you Steam sale - get out of my wallet! ;)
  14. P

    Apple, Inc. & Hearing Aid Manufacturers

    Man, I wish Apple MADE HEARING AIDS...and not just for use with the iPhone. That would be so freaking awesome. I'd buy two. Although I can only hear out of one ear, the second would be my backup. :)
  15. P

    Are you a "night owl"?

    Definitely a night owl here. I sleep when I get home then I'm up all night until around 3:00 a.m. Too much to do on the computer, too little time!
  16. P

    Oticon Safari SP/Oticon Chili

    That must be why my Unitron 360e is the best hearing aid I've ever had. Please tell Unitron to continue development and release of the Unitron 360e. It's the greatest hearing aid EVER when ALL auto features are turned off and the compression is at its lowest setting.
  17. P

    CI possibilities

    Yup! I'm one of them. I am deaf in my left ear (no hearing aid can help) and I am severe - profoundly HOH (60 Hz - 120 Hz & below) in my right ear since I was around 3 years old. I used an analog hearing aid most all my life (every day all day from morning until sleep) until I was about 23, when...
  18. P

    Criminals may be pocketing your tax refund

    This is exactly why I have everything direct deposited. I've already received and spent my tax refund. Yay! :cool2:
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    Stem Cell Therapy Improves Hearing Loss In Human Infant

    PressTV - Stem cell therapy can improve infants? hearing
  20. P

    Has anyone ever had these hearing aid issues?

    Well today has been a doozy. My digital aid has been sent for repair. I purchased a new warranty since I'm out of warranty on it. It must have been going worse than I ever thought it was because I'm using my backup analog aid and there are a number of things I notice with this one vs. my...