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  1. Simown

    Tgif! ;)

    Happy Friday! I can't wait to lie in tommorow morning :zzz:
  2. Simown

    What are you thinking about?

    I am on the learning curve to cooking while I am living away from home! In a few weeks I will be an expert surely! Don't you think? I haven't actually moved into my house yet so I haven't met that many new people, I have talked to some people I'm going to be living with online though. After...
  3. Simown

    Hello from Colorado

  4. Simown

    What are you thinking about?

    On that topic, I wonder how much of this burnt toast I will eat because I am hungry...even though it doesn't taste that nice. But maybe I am eating it because I am so proud of my cooking :D
  5. Simown


    Hi naturegal! I sure can relate to you, as probably a lot of people can! You're never left out here ;) :welcome:
  6. Simown

    Hello from Germany

    Hey Maja203, :welcome: :welcome:
  7. Simown

    hello from England!

    :welcome: :welcome:
  8. Simown


  9. Simown


    :welcome: Makenna, I am a teenager too, but deaf. Everyone on here is very friendly and open so I'm sure we'd be happy to answer any questions you have. Asking me about ASL or Deaf groups in Michigan may be a dead end though :P
  10. Simown

    Patrick Swayze has died.

    It's very sad :( I don't know how many people know him but Keith Floyd, an English chef also died today. I grew up watching him, he will be missed also. Keith Floyd
  11. Simown

    Hello There (:

    Hello! :welcome: I think dancing is great, but you'll have to teach me how, I'd embarass you for sure :P
  12. Simown

    Hi-HI! =D

    *high five* :laugh2:
  13. Simown

    Hi-HI! =D

    Welcome :welcome: Amazing you have a twin sister, I have a twin brother, how interesting for us :D
  14. Simown


    Hey Chair, welcome! :welcome:
  15. Simown

    New around here :)

    :welcome: :welcome:
  16. Simown

    Introducing Yourself

    :naughty: :laugh2: Or just a large neon sign with "I'm deaf" in big flashy letters? That will surely work. Thanks for the advice, Bebonang. I do try and speak to people where I can but if it's too hard I will resort to a notepad or some other technology :D
  17. Simown

    Introducing Yourself

    Thanks for the advice! I still think I'm going to mess it up on the day :P I think I'll need some practice.