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  1. Simown

    Forced out

    :shock: :D :D :D
  2. Simown

    Post a picture of you and your sibling

    I can't believe I haven't posted yet. This is me and my twin brother about 14-15 years ago: And no, we haven't changed a bit so you don't even need a recent picture! :P
  3. Simown

    Forced out

    Yeah, that's right. The University didn't put forward nearly enough accomodations for me, and most of the time didn't even realise that I couldn't hear. I will make it very clear that I will need extra accomodations this year. That's in America, right? I am not sure all Universities here...
  4. Simown

    Forced out

    That's not very nice at all. I am pretty thankful I get another shot at University this year then.
  5. Simown

    Suzy Q

    :welcome: Sue!
  6. Simown

    What are you thinking about? Part II

  7. Simown

    here I go.. again!

    :welcome: :welcome:
  8. Simown

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    :eek2: Thinking how cold and snowy it is :eek2: I'll get my sleeping bag.
  9. Simown

    new around here

    :welcome: to AD!
  10. Simown

    Back from work!

    Oh, man. I just read this. I used to work when I was totally deaf (not with a CI) and it was hard. I just used to be as positive as possible when working, even though it was hard communicating with anyone. I guess if you just try not let them get to you they'll have no choice to try and be...
  11. Simown

    Aloha Everyone

  12. Simown

    hello all deaf !!

  13. Simown

    late deafened with CI?

    Oooh, ooh. That's me alright. I was hearing for the first 16 years of my life and deafned totally 4 years ago, I now have a CI. I can't say this is much different from hearing most of the time, except when it gets noisy then the CI isn't good enough to distinguish where the noise is coming...
  14. Simown

    CI and movies

    I can watch movies without captions, just about but I end up concentrating so much on what's being said I miss a lot of it. With captions, it's just easier to watch. In class though, the sound usually comes from a speaker or TV at the front and I would miss most of it unless I was directly...
  15. Simown

    Totally Newbie at This...

    :welcome: to AD!
  16. Simown

    University Students:Access To Education

    Yeah, I think that's right. I have/had a written notetaker who then transcribes it later, I don't see the notes during the lecture, I am concentrating on listening and lipreading the lecturer, so I get the emailed to me.
  17. Simown

    University Students:Access To Education

    Supposedly notetakers in every lecture and a personal loop system (where the lecturer wears the microphone and I wear the reciever)
  18. Simown

    Hello All

  19. Simown

    Forced out

    I imagine it's more common in America? May be a long way to travel to attend University next year :P