Search results

  1. Simown

    New HOH in KS

    It doesn't count if you are a BIG cheater posting twice :P
  2. Simown

    New HOH in KS

  3. Simown

    Babyblue, check this out!

    :birthday: Babyblue!
  4. Simown

    new and with questions from a mom.

    Congrats! And :welcome:!
  5. Simown

    Newbie here...:P

    :wave: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :wave:
  6. Simown

    Another Newbie Thread

  7. Simown

    Good Wii games?

    New Super Mario Bros is amazing. I really want it. Mario Kart and the Lego games are great too :D
  8. Simown

    Would you rather kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab?

    Is kissing the jellyfish a one time thing or do you have to date it? I need to know what I'm getting myself in to.
  9. Simown

    Real name or nickname

    I think Simown is actually my real name now. So I'll pick that :D
  10. Simown


    I'm not but, :welcome: to AD!
  11. Simown

    I just joined

  12. Simown

    Hi :< I am new

    :welcome: to AD!
  13. Simown

    New Here

  14. Simown

    BSL Name

    Well...with my name on it would be better :P Maybe I should get 2, one with your name and one with my name? Wait... 2 with my name :D
  15. Simown

    Hello All. I am hearing but I sign

    I'm a bit far away but welcome anyway :wave:
  16. Simown

    BSL Name

    Ahhh, jealous :evil:. I want one now, the first one that is, it's the best! :hmm:
  17. Simown

    Forced out

    :gpost: (took me ages to find that) They didn't even know I couldn't hear half the time! Sitting in group meetings in silence comes to mind. I guess you learn from your experiences, the next University better be prepared :devil:
  18. Simown

    Post a picture of you and your sibling

    Aww, I bet you look cute in those. A whole range of colours too I see! :P Maybe it's time we both went shopping for new clothes?
  19. Simown

    Hello, I'm new.

    :welcome: Kiki! :wave:
  20. Simown

    Post a picture of you and your sibling

    Of course, you don't wear the same clothes you did like 15 years ago? How do you know which one my brother is? ;) How do I know which one he is?! :P