Search results

  1. dreamsfloatjoe


  2. dreamsfloatjoe

    Cauliflower Cheese and Eggs

    Mary Poppins was traveling home, but due to worsening weather, she decided to stop at a hotel for the night. She approached the receptionist and asked for a room for the night. "Certainly madam," he replied courteously. "Is the restaurant open still?" inquired Mary. "Sorry, no,"...
  3. dreamsfloatjoe

    Alcohol May Protect Your Brain During An Accident.

    :wave: I'm a Designated Passenger. :giggle:
  4. dreamsfloatjoe

    Post your gas prices Part II

    :wave: US $2.199 :rifle: as of 9/22/09 at Murphy USA, St Mary's GA.
  5. dreamsfloatjoe

    just testing

    Test Reply. :giggle:
  6. dreamsfloatjoe

    Women joke

  7. dreamsfloatjoe


    :wave: The photo is a sign that warns people who park their car in a park. The sign lettering is in all caps. The sign reads: ATTENTION AREA IS RANDOMLY PATROLLED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL. LOCK YOUR VEHICLE. REMOVE ALL VALUABLES. :giggle:
  8. dreamsfloatjoe


  9. dreamsfloatjoe

    ACORN officials videotaped encouraging lies

    :ty: ACORN will throw Obama under the bus. Why? Too much money involved. Now that the Fed's are investigating ACORN under RICO laws, people will start talking to save their arse from a long prison sentence. More will be revealed ... :wave: Bye, bye A-Con.
  10. dreamsfloatjoe

    Cook Book

  11. dreamsfloatjoe

    Gotta' Love the South!

    :wave: Redneck Fire Alarm ... :laugh2: I love living in the south, home of the ... :giggle:
  12. dreamsfloatjoe

    The 2009/10 NFL Thread

    :wave: Wizard of Oz, you so funny! :laugh2:
  13. dreamsfloatjoe


    :wave: Chips Ahoy and welcome aboard All Deaf, Ms Angel, from upstate Florida on the right coast. We're very happy you are here, as it should be, according to the prophetess. :giggle:
  14. dreamsfloatjoe

    Men Bashing.....

    :wave: Cash For Clunkers - My wife tried to trade in her old run-down clunker but was told I didn't qualify. :giggle:
  15. dreamsfloatjoe

    The 2009/10 NFL Thread

    Ayep Doug! Iffn, I do not go fishing this Sunday, I go to the | Be a part of it on Sunday! vs Arizona game. I'm no longer a lifelong EAGLES fan, because they signed convick. So, I support my local team. Congratulations to the Patriots, WOW, what a game, what a finish! Also...
  16. dreamsfloatjoe

    ACORN Turns in Fla. Workers on Voter Fraud Charges

    I'm betting that the paper shredders are moving at light speed at ACORN headquarters! :giggle: A growing number of Republican lawmakers are calling for congressional hearings and IRS audits of ACORN following the release of three videotapes that show the group's employees offering advice to...
  17. dreamsfloatjoe

    The 2009/10 NFL Thread

    It all begins tonight! :giggle:
  18. dreamsfloatjoe

    Tropical Storm ERIKA (URL)

    :wave: Sorry about that deafskeptic, fixed it. Please try it now. :ty: (Dang Gremlins!) :giggle:
  19. dreamsfloatjoe

    Tropical Storm ERIKA (URL)

    :wave: Here we go again: Tropical Storm ERIKA Situation Page :Ohno:
  20. dreamsfloatjoe

    Polish Joke

    :wave: God is making the world and he comes to make Poland. The angels ask, "What will you do with this country?" "Oh, I'll give it amazing countryside, beautiful mountains and plentiful forests, wonderful food and beer, vodka and beautiful girls." The angels ask, "Isn't that a bit...