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  1. playsonfreeway

    What's your favorite chip?

    Wirelessly posted $1000 chips from Las Vegas
  2. playsonfreeway

    Ack. Casual days at work during the summer

    Wirelessly posted They have a strict dress code at my job. Long pants, shirt with sleeve, steal toed boots, hard hat and safety glasses.
  3. playsonfreeway

    I really want to learn ASL.

    Wirelessly posted He also has an android app for both fingerspelling and numbers They both are great
  4. playsonfreeway

    South Carolina House passes illegal immigration bill

    Wirelessly posted Seem like everybody assumes this ionly about people from Mexico. What about all illegals from Canada? ;-)
  5. playsonfreeway

    Share something INTERESTING about yourself

    Wirelessly posted I love to play softball I love my Foster kids love to hang out at Disneyland and last but not least love my wife of 34 years
  6. playsonfreeway

    Tornadoes hit Joplin, damage hospital; casualties

    Just got some good new that my family in Joplin are ok
  7. playsonfreeway

    What did you do today?

    Wirelessly posted Drove around all day at work then set traffic for two hours going home
  8. playsonfreeway

    Hi y'all

    thanks for the welcome. I tend to lurk in the background alot.
  9. playsonfreeway


    Wirelessly posted Pepper spray works well an is legal a lot of places
  10. playsonfreeway

    What are your favorite sports??

    I love to play softball, I play three nights a week. I like watching baseball go Angels!!!!
  11. playsonfreeway

    Hi y'all

    Hi everyone first of all I am hearing, I am trying to learn ASL. So I will be able to help Deaf or HOH Foster kids.I am also trying to learn about Deaf culture. My wife and I are foster parents. I am teaching the kids we have now. When I learn a new sign I teach it to the kids. They learn so...