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  1. playsonfreeway

    What's wrong with men!!!!

    Wirelessly posted Who him or her? It takes both of them to get her pregnant doesnt it?
  2. playsonfreeway

    Listener moving lips

    Wirelessly posted Me either I also move my mouth when I read and have to listen intently
  3. playsonfreeway

    do u find it hard being hoh in the real world?

    Wirelessly posted The real world is what ever YOU percieve it to be.
  4. playsonfreeway

    Moving to California

    Wirelessly posted It would be a great idea to find work here before moving . We have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country right now, and they say it won't improve anytime soon. Good luck on the move. BTW ain't nothin wrong with So. Cal lived there all my life.
  5. playsonfreeway

    Ever talk to yourself?

    Wirelessly posted I never talk to myself Yes you do No I don't Yes you do Ooops sorry where was I?
  6. playsonfreeway

    ASL meeting groups

    I found this site called meetup. It has a lot of cities where they have ASL meet up groups. Looks interesting American Sign Language Meetup Groups - American Sign Language Meetups Terry
  7. playsonfreeway

    what is your nationality?

    Wirelessly posted Actually I am American. Parents were French Canadian so I guess I am an American canuck
  8. playsonfreeway

    what is your nationality?

    Wirelessly posted Me Earthling
  9. playsonfreeway

    Have you travel through Vietnam?

    Wirelessly posted No thanks, my time there in '70 '71 was enough for me.
  10. playsonfreeway

    I think I may get this as my new car...

    Wirelessly posted I hope you can get it. I want one but I can't fit two car seats and a double stroller in one :-(
  11. playsonfreeway

    New Law: Docs Can't Ask About Guns

    Wirelessly posted They can just educated everyone the same regardless of what they own.
  12. playsonfreeway

    free ASL traning .... all point and click

    I like the first example the best
  13. playsonfreeway

    Fuck Science! I am Armed with a Personal Anecdote!

    The baby might appear healthy now, but the effects of Drugs which includes nicotine often show up later, the child could end up developmentally behind. I see this all the time. I think child social services get involved.
  14. playsonfreeway

    The most dangerous job you ever took?

    I drove a tanker hauling gasoline for 8 years. Only had one burn up on me
  15. playsonfreeway

    Picture of your pets

    Nikka and Kayla
  16. playsonfreeway


    :gpost:This thread is great it has help me understand ASL a little better
  17. playsonfreeway

    Why everyone have to hate people with CI?

    Wirelessly posted I'm so confused can you start over? ;-)
  18. playsonfreeway

    Finding Deaf Community!?

    Someone gave the link earlier Deaf Chat Coffee | A deaf social lifestyle
  19. playsonfreeway

    Why everyone have to hate people with CI?

    Wirelessly posted But beer tastes better than water ;-)
  20. playsonfreeway

    Why everyone have to hate people with CI?

    Whether a need or a want, why not give a child something that could help meet their needs? Be it CI, ASL, a speaking language. We can give them the tools when they are to young to be able to choose, then when they can choose they already have the tools they need or want to make the choice that...