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  1. playsonfreeway

    [Fox News Traitorous and Unpatriotic?] [Navy SEAL's book gives different account ..]

    Wirelessly posted My first thought when I read the title was that traitor bitch Jane Fonda
  2. playsonfreeway

    Mass casualties at theater showing Batman movie

    Wirelessly posted You outlaw guns and only the outlaws will have guns
  3. playsonfreeway

    What's your height?

    Wirelessly posted 3' 6"
  4. playsonfreeway

    Age Barometer

    Wirelessly posted I guess I am older than dirt. I remember all of them
  5. playsonfreeway

    How many kids do you have/want to have?

    Wirelessly posted I want two yesterday June 4th we finalized the adoption of our two and a half year oldson and we are in the procces of adopting our two year old foster daughter. We will be done. We will still do foster care but only short term
  6. playsonfreeway

    your smartphone history?

    Wirelessly posted I have a cordless phone that has memory to store number does that count?
  7. playsonfreeway

    What's the best thing about being over 50 ... ?

    Wirelessly posted I am over 50 and plan on living another 50. I need to be around for awile now that we are adopting 2 2 year olds
  8. playsonfreeway

    Secure Communities deportation program will expand to New York and Mass.,

    Wirelessly posted I don't see a problem here if they are here ILLEGALLY then they should be deported.
  9. playsonfreeway

    Woman sentenced 20 years for firing shot

    Wirelessly posted I think the sentence was a bit harash. when left to get the gun she should have gone for help and let the police handle the rest. I agree with jiro no warning shot. Shoot to kill.
  10. playsonfreeway

    Nitrous <> Super <> Turbo

    Wirelessly posted I prefer Turbo with nitrous
  11. playsonfreeway

    Beware latest scam from!!!!!

    Wirelessly posted Did alldeaf give or selll them our email address? How did they get them
  12. playsonfreeway

    Too Ridical?

    Wirelessly posted Not really
  13. playsonfreeway

    How old are you guys?

    Wirelessly posted I am the same age as Jack Benny, forever 39
  14. playsonfreeway

    Whats your ethnic background?

    Wirelessly posted Both parents and all grandparents were earthlings.
  15. playsonfreeway

    How old are you guys?

    Wirelessly posted Older than dirt be I
  16. playsonfreeway

    Veepstakes: An offer they can’t refuse

    Wirelessly posted When jiro said "we" I just thought jiro had a mouse in his/her pocket Sara Palin isn't running for president?
  17. playsonfreeway

    All those old cars left rotting for what??

    Wirelessly posted Fiberglass can't ruat
  18. playsonfreeway

    What is your work commute like?

    Wirelessly posted 80 miles one way thru downtown Los Angeles one hour ten minutes in the morning (4am) and two plus hours home :(
  19. playsonfreeway

    Should Your Child Be Spanked at School?

    Wirelessly posted No