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  1. B

    Avoid Speeding Tickets And Traffic With Your Phone

    Avoid Speeding Tickets And Traffic With Your Phone
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    Your favorite Italian Dish?

    anything like those before me. Though, I do have a soft spot for eggplant parmesan
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    Guess where his left testicle went into...

    of course there were consequences just because it was hitting a student AKA "nut-checking" but what teachers can't see...
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    Guess where his left testicle went into...

    Yeah...I was a victim of that :eek3:
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    Guess where his left testicle went into...

    Not just him.
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    Guess where his left testicle went into...

    that should be punishable by life in prison
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    Girly stuff, like shoes, makeup, hair, etc.

    it's not exactly girly but... I have 6 pairs of shoes: pair of black converse high-tops, 2 pairs of dress shoes (black and brown), steel-toe boots, black Vans, and my black non-slip sneakers for work. 4 hats: 1 brown Rocawear hat (the one in my profile pic), and 3 others in black, grey and...
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    Men Are Not Always Simple Minded ...

    YouTube - Fifth Element - Leeloo Dallas Multipass God, I love this movie!
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    Mark Gungor: Exerpt from his Laugh Your Way To Happy Marriage Part One

    thanks for separating the posts :ty: it made it a lot easier to read than a wall of text. My girlfriend and I had this conversation not 2 weeks ago. If only I'd read this beforehand >.<
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    Love Vibes iPhone App ranks how awesome you are.. in bed.

    Love Vibes iPhone App ranks how awesome you are.. in bed.
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    Cheers! Guinness Beer Turns 250

    :birthday::cheers::applause:Cheers to my favorite beer!
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    Maurice Sendak tells parents worried by Wild Things to 'go to hell'

    :gpost: I remember getting the Terminator VHS boxset from a family friend for my 4th bday. It was always the first of the two that scared me and my mom, not exactly thrilled at the gift, only told me not to watch it if i couldn't take it and I was never able to watch it till I was six...
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    Maurice Sendak tells parents worried by Wild Things to 'go to hell'

    Maurice Sendak tells parents worried by Wild Things to 'go to hell' | Books |
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    Guess I'm Headed for .....

    :shock: You're loaded!!!
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    Six year old and Thirteen year old

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    New Signers' Funny Mistakes

    That's the sign I use for SODA-POP. Maybe the meaning could be changed with facial expression? Kinda like BUG and ORGASM
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    Drunk Guy Walked Into the Store

    That doesn't even look like he's affected by alcohol. I'm gonna go with one of the youtube comments and say ketamine (horse tranquilizers)
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    Better male characters than Edward Cullen

    A Photoshopped picture of Kanye West in front of Robert Thomas Pattinson saying, "Rob, I'm really happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish but Wesley Snipes played one of the best vampire of all time!"