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  1. B

    Travelers and Bad Geography Knowledge

    Ocean-view from Orlando? LOL In FL. you're never more than 50 miles from the ocean.
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    9-1-1??....What's ur Addy?

    Wow...reminds me of the police officer who stole some pot off a crime scene and called 911 'cause he was flippin' out. At least this guy waited it out:giggle:
  3. B

    WTF is this.

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    What's in a Name?

    Crazy cat lady? :giggle: YouTube - Crazy Cat Lady
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    What's in a Name?

    Fidel. I'm the youngest of 6 on my father's side and, as the only boy of the bunch, inherited his name.
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    WTF is this.

    there goes any hope of weight loss...
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    WTF is this.

    i'd see that as just plain rude :P
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    SC man gets 3 years in prison for sex with horse

    SC man gets 3 years in prison for sex with horse - Yahoo! News
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    Where were you 30 years ago?

    :giggle: I'm not sure I was even swimming then
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    Little Boy At The Nudist Beach

    :giggle: haha nice
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    Most Women End Up Looking Like Their Mothers

    I was completely raised by my mother. Does that mean I might end up looking like her? :P
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    i'll take some fried tofu and black mushrooms :wag:
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    I see why the Russians are angry at this guy...

    all that booze...the headlines is appropriate "Booze Destroyer!"
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    Indecent Exposure: Naked at Home?

    complain that they're trespassing, then.
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    Indecent Exposure: Naked at Home?

    I'm not sure that just because you close your curtains at night that everyone else in the world should do the same. haha Ugly Naked Guy!
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    Indecent Exposure: Naked at Home?

    but that it was 5:30 in the morning tells me 2 things: First, the man was just waking up; second, because he was just waking up, he wouldn't have the presence of mind to think to close the curtains. The parent and the child weren't in a public way! There were cutting through his yard on his...
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    How Do You Like Your Eggs?

    omelette or over-easy
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    Indecent Exposure: Naked at Home?

    As a guy that sleeps in the buff and likes to walk around his house the same way, i dont feel this is right. If he'd wanted to expose himself, why not pick the afternoon when most kids would be waking home instead of 5:30 in the morning!
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    Heaven Has Sense Of Humor

    :giggle: i like it!
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    Indecent Exposure: Naked at Home?
