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    Other Worlds and Aliens

    Had best stock up on Go-Juice then! :giggle:
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    $3.00 Credit card puirchase limit @ Shell

    Never before at a gas station. Usually smaller business like bakeries. I've always wondered why they set a min purchase amount for cards?? Did a quick google search and found out that : source: Credit card purchase minimums Forms for Mastercard for consumer to fill out in the...
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    Really? I got just the opposite reaction and can't wait to see it! What didn't do it for you?
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    :werd: picking coffee's a hard choice.
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    I wouldn't mind being considered for the last 3 :wave:
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    AMAZING Knife Throw- Modern Warfare 2

    YouTube - MW2-AMAZING Knife Throw- Modern Warfare 2 (ORIGINAL) :shock:
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    Google Chrome Browser?

    I switched over from Firefox and one of my favorite things is that if one of my tabs freezes up on me, it wont cause the entire browser to crash 'cause they're set up to run independently. The only problem I've ever had with it was with my Hotmail account where it wouldn't let me click...
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    Soldier mom refuses deployment to care for baby

    According to the article, she had it all worked out for her mom to take care of her child, at least until she told her she couldn't because she was "already having to care for her ailing mother and sister, as well as a daughter with special needs." I understand the mother's concern but, she...
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    A truely moral story right here

    I think this was a condom ad, once upon a time.
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    Soldier mom refuses deployment to care for baby

    Soldier mom refuses deployment to care for baby - Yahoo! News
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    What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

    Wow really??
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    What's the worst movie you've seen?

    "The Happening"- terrible acting except for john leguizamo "The Strangers"- that was just...Liv Tyler's just lucky that she's pretty in that movie "I Love You, Beth Cooper"- teen romantic comedy that's toilet-worthy "Inglorious Bastards"- not Tarantino's best movie, not by a longshot...
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    Principal Attempts "Cash for Grades" Program; Retires When Disapproved

    Reading the title, I thought it would be a student incentive more along the lines of "if you get A's or B's, you get X amount of dollars." This is just everything that's wrong with our educational system.
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    Gay Catholic priest getting married

    They could always choose the other path and convert to Anglican like the Hispanic priest, Father Albert, did. He's now living the life he wanted to live with a significant other because his religion allows him to. That's just people handling things differently.
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    What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

    This author is fantastic. The last thing I read from him was the book he co-authored with Terry Pratchett, Good Omens.
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    Hillary Supporters Now Support Bush (GWB)

    I hate to make it sound like I'm equating this incident with the death of a pop singer but, everyone thought Michael was out to get their children in their sleep and, the moment he died, everyone was asking him to be made a saint. :shrug: Maybe Koko will love the Obamas just a little more...
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    The 120 years of National Geographic on 6 dvd-roms..

    $60?! How long are they offering the DVDs for? Just in time for holidays, I bet. I wouldn't mind it as a gift either *hint,hint*
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    On Oprah....last night (Warning: Graphic Content)

    I remember hearing about this woman on the radio a few months ago and they even had a copy of the 911 call she made as she was being attacked. Really chilling stuff
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    Hair time!

    Would be interesting, I think. Hair down to my bottom...:hmm: