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    Barstool Football

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    'Tis the Season:....Fart Football

    haha nice!
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    I ought to know this by now..

    even McD's is better than DD
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    I ought to know this by now..

    DD as in Dunkin Donuts? You'll forgive me but, That as gotta be the worst tasting coffee ever! :barf:
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    "The Last Dragon" It was a little disheartening when he found out that the wisdom of the fortune cookies was nothing than a mass-producing machine :(
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    What's it mean? My answer: BBC
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    Airdrummer: weapon of mass LOL
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    why the regligon stop in all

    because people can't seem to discuss religion. At least not civilly, anyways.
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    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

    Research paper due to today along w/ a .ppt presentation due but, it's all gravy 'cause it means the end of the semester's nigh! That, and my mouse's left-click has been acting up for weeks so I had to reverse it and am now left-clicking with my right-click. Every now and then I repeatedly...
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    Things Never to Say to a Cop

    that'll get you out of a ticket >.<
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    Boys: At What Age Would You Consider....

    15's a good age but I'd do it as early as 14 You're looking out for the best interests of your kids and, if the hormones do get the best of them, at least you know you did everything you could to prevent any undesirable outcomes.
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    I remember hearing about the movie and, being a fan of "The Vampire Chronicles" by Anne Rice, chances are I'd like the movie. My one big bone to pick with a vamp movie was "Queen of the Damned". That was one of my favorite books in the chronicles and the movie <expletive>s all over it! One...
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    Movement under way in California to ban divorce

    That's what the whole thing's about, isn't it? Makes perfect sense to head down the road and, even if it doesn't pass, the statement's definitely there. It's all a silly semantics debate, anyways.
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    Do you want to try this beer?

    I was talking to a buddy of mine about these the other day and I couldnt for the life of me remember "Utopias" !! Any good?
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    Woman Sees Jesus On Her Iron

    Hey, you said it :giggle: not me! No one ever heard that Chuck Norris joke where Chuck's face showed up on the Virgin Mary's Grilled Cheese?
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    "He's just not that into you." Are women really that :crazy: ? "Unforgiven" One of the only Westerns I can really enjoy "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" + "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey"
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    Simon's Cat: 'Fly Guy'

    YouTube - Simon's Cat 'Fly Guy' All my cat owning friends tell me they can absolutely relate to this cat!
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    Black Friday!!

    I wouldn't mind a pocket watch. Then again, a deer rifle...
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    SC Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday

    Lucky you!
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    Contest can you please vote for me!?

    voted :) it may or may not have had to do something with your red dress (my favorite color)