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  1. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    you took herbal tea and drops for preventation cause you know it's not a cold but Bronchitis... like I said before, if you know your body well enough then do it before it gets too far along to get rid of it!!! I know my doctor told me if you aren't better after two weeks then you need to see...
  2. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    Awww Liebling, you did no wrong or anyone else did!!! I think it's all just a misunderstanding in all parts!!! I know do are doing it for the goods of your heart!!!
  3. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    Correct, knowing your body very well, don't wait too long if you know you are prone to bronchitis then you know what to do about it!!
  4. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    Right, we can't keep giving antibotics if you don't help yourself the first time around...
  5. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    Well in that case, go get it checked out!!!! if you coughing up alot of phelm that's green then you gotta a bad infection, checked out immediately or else it'll take about up to 6 months to a year to get better... TRUST me, once you have it started go get it checked don't wait too long!!!
  6. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    If a person knows their body having bronchitics why wait too long or else it takes forever to get better.... I know what I have to do to prevent it... I haven't had it for years now, knock on wood!!!
  7. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    Especially in the winter months yes cause you are closed in you will get anything back and forth through your kids or partners... if it's green phelm coming up then it's an infection.. Also if your place is damp which I know I had it for a long time years ago... Viruses to get antibiotics is...
  8. C

    Brittany Spears** Again problem!!!! Ugh

    I think he wants to be called the "protector" just get himself popular... whatever!! he's doing it all WRONG period, he isn't into Britney just want to get his story out of her ways and life!!!! HECK he's still MARRIEd dang it!!! but then, I think Britney wants someone else to do the dirty work...
  9. C

    Wayyyyyyyyyy off topic related other threads..

    I don't think it's cruel with the metal on the arm or finger whatever you call it on the Parrot... it's like a tag to know they are rescued or belong to someone if they get lost... well is it cruel to put in microchip to your dog and cat??? No, it's the same thing ... it's a BEAUTIFUL picture by...
  10. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    Ditto that Liebling, if it's a virus nothing you can do about it, unless you coughing up phelm or chest painful then you do need antibiotics... I love hot lemon with honey in my tea mmm... I know if you just go into a steamed bathroom and sit in there for half hour or an hour.. it'll help...
  11. C

    Anyone in interesting to buy?

    hard to see the picture.. :giggle: can you make it bigger for my poor old eyes lol.. wink wink... ohhhh I love what you gonna do to the bedroom as I have tons of tops in leopard prints... lol..
  12. C

    Stop drinking water now!!!!!

    you would think maybe it'll be cheaper if you have a bottle of water and either cranberry juice or evening raspberry juice as I usually mixed it together half and half instead of having just plain water all the time.. smile.. as the store charge you tons just for that kind of water!!!
  13. C

    Hey everyone..

    the long cut that my mom had done was from back in late 70's or early 80's, today is alot better using laser and less cut.. smile
  14. C

    #$%!@#$%$@ credit card pre-paid..

    you are like my old fashioned dad refused to even use the ATMs, it freaks him out.. lol..
  15. C

    Bacon and Egg Salad Sandwich

    THEN stay out of FOOD and Beverage posts lol :giggle:
  16. C

    Hey everyone..

    You are right, it's not always just greasy food as my grandma had them all the time and ate healthy... it's sometimes to do with the water as she had hard water in country so she use to boil the water to drink it. Also genetic as well and sometimes not drinking enough water or change of diet...
  17. C

    #$%!@#$%$@ credit card pre-paid..

    Yes totally agreed, for their own protection such as damages to the car or motel and so on.. As you know you use it with credit card at first then when you check out of hotel/motel or return the car, you can pay it cash then you don't owe anything on the credit card.. just a thought
  18. C

    #$%!@#$%$@ credit card pre-paid..

    IF you see that they do it twice or three times then you'll know especially be wary of gas station attendants at nighttime, they'll have one behind the counter without you looking... just keep checking your balances and all, I usually keep a minimal amount in the account for the debit card...
  19. C

    pics of you

    yeah yeah!!!! hey girlie, we use to chat alot in one of the chatroom years ago, if I can remember my name oh yeah!! with F... if you know what I mean.. if not, I can pm ya smile :)
  20. C

    Bacon and Egg Salad Sandwich

    i'm glad someone likes bacon lol I usually put a lil maple syrup on the bacon when having french toast mmm.... yeah scallops wrapped in bacon is my favorite, dang I'm saying favorite then I better say all!!lol