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  1. C

    Happy Birthday Liebling:-)))

    HAPPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY TO YOU... HAPPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.... and many more to come... Have a great one... :dance2::birthday::party:
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    pics of you

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    pics of you

    LOL very funny!!!
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    pics of you

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    pics of you

  6. C


    How true, like the spam emails, alot of people just curious to see what it is... I just delete it right away after i select it's a spam.. grr thanks for the info.. that's pretty scary still!!
  7. C

    Religion and Abortion

    yeah you got a point there as well Garnet as well it's not a perfect world but the best to their ability!!
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    Religion and Abortion

    You got that right, anything is possible!!! even a 1lb baby survived!! smile...
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    Religion and Abortion

    Also, you can get pregnant if you are on the pill cause it happened to my girlfriend three times!!! so nothing is safe lol... double up the condoms guys!! lol oopss
  10. C

    Religion and Abortion

    As well there's studies that after baby has been born and then the mother accidentally kill her child due to post partum (what's the right word)... so it's not about a choice she should kill the child, anything can happen unexpected reason and yes we are human!!! also if I was raped by a...
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    pics of you

    well cough cough that's how far I can go lol knowing how to post a picture but not in the post.. lol... just put your sunglasses on when you want to see the picture... lol
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    pics of you

  13. C

    pics of you

    nice picture... smile... geez I think I better post my picture but I forgot how to do it!!! grrr
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    pics of you

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    pics of you

    great picture Galaxy, all your kids have a mixture of both you and hubby!! hard to tell who looks more like who lol.. smile oppps meant this to go under Galaxy's post.. grrr
  16. C

    What to Do If You're Alone on Valentine's Day

    Well for me, it's a kinda a sad day for me to even celebrate cause my nephew passed away at age 19 on that day in 2005... So what I would do is treat myself to the spa for the day. Bless his heart, he's in a good place but not forgotten!!!
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    really?? wow, that's pretty scary... so is this can be done by sending someone an email without them knowing it's a keylogger program???
  18. C

    Afraid to love again with someone else....

    Aww I'll have to agree with others, you can't stop living being afraid... I know it's not easy but remember this, just take one step at a time, give it a try, if not, don't force yourself. Also you will always have a big piece of Andrew in your heart that will never be replaced. Just be...
  19. C

    Hi from North Bay, Ontario

    hey skipper my Canadian friend!!! welcome to the ad'rs Jungle.. :giggle: Ouchie, about what you are going through!!! well I think since so much of the virus is going around so I think I would just wait and see... Is this the first time it really got progressively worst as the years go by or...
  20. C

    Your dream house?

    Yeah, if you did live by the train tracks, you will surely will have a hard time selling your house in future.. whooohoo I hope you doo move in as my sister bought a brand new house built but it took her a year before she could get in... Wish you all the best of luck, hope to see the before...