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  1. C

    We have a surgery date !!!!

    As I know if you give her cooked white rice to keep her hydrated... even I was told do that when my dog wasn't feeling so good and or drink water for some reason after a surgery.. one of my grandma's tales... it sure works.. I'm glad to hear all is working out well with Ashley!!! she's sure...
  2. C

    Are you guys good at cook?

    oh god, Velveeta cheese rocks, as the Kraft Dinner with Velveeta cheese is a hundred percent better than that powder stuff. Yeah you are right, the recipes on the labels are awesome as well.. Kraft rocks but I guess it cuz where I'm from lol.. smile
  3. C

    grilled cheese sandwich

    well if you don't have a grill what can you do?? smile yeah on the grill is awesome!!! boil it and then cook it that's what i meant sorry...
  4. C

    my friend applied walmart

    Wouldn't it be best to take it up to the upper management to be dealt with before jumping onto ADA ?? it just my thinking logically how business works, if you don't like or get along with your co-worker, you go to your supervisor to talk it out and things will be good.. if it doesn't work then...
  5. C

    my friend applied walmart

    well noone is perfect, we all misunderstand not just the deafies.. smile as there's more and more multicultural working but with acceptance.. Glad you got an understanding Manager.. I love my Manager as well after a long struggle for years and now I move to a new dept, she has been awesome... so...
  6. C

    my friend applied walmart

    Ekkk I think the Manager doesn't know what deaf can do, maybe he or she needs to be educated!! why not his friend that works there to explain to the Manager.. or get a deaf agency to come to explain ... wow.. I think it just who hires not all about Walmart with an understanding...
  7. C

    Has anyone tried this?

    oh yeah!! I love the flatbread as I do make pizza out of those (own individual pizzas)... or sometime if I have a warm dip, I will cut up bite piece of flatbread and put them on a cookie tray in the oven for a few min to get it crispy... I usually like to get the garlic greek flatbread as it has...
  8. C

    grilled cheese sandwich

    mmm.. a slice of onion and dip some ketchup... Tomato Soup is yummy with grilled cheese... I must have the double cheese slice from Kraft the bEST!! ekkk you microwave hotdogs?? I rather boil them which doesn't take that long to cook..
  9. C

    pics of you

    you actually look more like stephen gutterburg in the movie "three men and a baby" smile yeah you do have nice eyes!! :)
  10. C

    What is your all time favorite snack?

    oopsss, I deleted the picture by mistake, Is that cream cheese??
  11. C

    What is your all time favorite snack?

    cheese, crackers and pickles is a must!! lmao
  12. C

    Any suggestions ??????

    Yeah you do got a good point Shel, as I see that with my dog since she's losing her vision always go to the light and when it's dark in there, she'll freak... soo it's amazing what they know... Also, maybe try asking another deaf/blind person if they have that problem... it's a good point...
  13. C

    Scam Alert...

  14. C

    Pregnant woman uses train toilet and baby slips out

    the baby was premature so I guess it came so fast without blinking. Sure thanks their lucky stars!!
  15. C

    Hey Folks!

    Welcome to the Ad'rs Jungle
  16. C

    pics of you

    Great picture!! :) as mine is in my avator cause I forgot and to post a picture in here oopps...
  17. C

    Any suggestions ??????

    that's possible but I think maybe if she's use to light, maybe leave a light on I dunno cuz she's probably lost in the dark trying to find where she is so on..... I'm just guessing here thinking the opposite.
  18. C

    Any suggestions ??????

    Aww, maybe give her a nice warm bath with lavendar which would probably relaxes her before she heads to bed... Isn't that warm milk helps as well to make them fall alsleep?? I wouldn't want to medicate my kids without further opinion, but it's your choice.. also not have her afternoon nap...
  19. C

    Jonquil flowers

    purty pictures!!! colourful...
  20. C

    Scam Alert...

    ekkk... that's pretty insane, people sure have alot on their hands to do this... wow.. Wondering about the Deaf Women United which I know someone else must have use their name in this scam... ouchie!!! really they are trying to make it look "if it's too good to be true, then it's not"...