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  1. C

    AllDeaf will turn 6 friggin' years old on April 23rd

    lol you smart aleck... lol you are cheating!!! lol
  2. C

    Hearing aids for profound losses

    Also, if you got a good health plan why not use it... as I have to use it for work since I work with clients.. I think it's depends on each person's preferences... on weekends I take my hearing aids off lol.. to give my ears a break.. smile Also I find that I have to wear two hearing aids or...
  3. C

    Hearing aids for profound losses

    I have severely profounded hearing loss (nerve damage in the ear) so I do wear hearing aids but it has to be the most powerful one on the market every two to three years like the phonak I always go by them than unitron (very weak) ... I think its also depending on how you were taught when...
  4. C

    Me.. Shock and Does it have to be so damn detailed>>

    off topic, what kind of hearing aid do you wear?? I like it small, isn't it phonak?? thanks.. sorry for the originator's post.. yeah, I think it's darn disgusting about this as he should be charged for what's the word dang it... insecent?? grrr i know it's not insect lol geez, it's okay...
  5. C

    AllDeaf will turn 6 friggin' years old on April 23rd

    hey, you are greedy... (tsk tsk, don't hit me now, just playing) lol.. you mean 50 US funds or Cdn funds or Pesos (lol) grr Liebling what's germany currency??
  6. C

    AllDeaf will turn 6 friggin' years old on April 23rd

    maybe should have one for each time zone!!! smile so we all can guess each other's time zone lol.. how is this?? I think it'll be fun!!! don't you agree ALex and all??
  7. C

    AllDeaf will turn 6 friggin' years old on April 23rd

    imagine, is it a dream?? lol smile
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    AllDeaf will turn 6 friggin' years old on April 23rd

    lol ALex... do you know about the time zones, I know I know you do know... I can imagine someone staying up to click to post lol.. like ebay bidding lol.. this so funny but above all, Congrats to the 6th anniversary.... :)
  9. C

    Attn: GarnetTigerMom

    do you find ebay tooo addicting lol... i got bored after I bid so many cute things lol.. I will end up breaking the bank.. lol.. I gotta stay away for awhile lol. smile :) it's fun while it lasts :)
  10. C

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

    ditto that Liebling, Yesterday is History, today is a blessing, tomorrow is a mystery :)
  11. C

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

    lol about it being bored wihtout you around... Welcome backkkkk... :)
  12. C

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

    Sorry about the sad news and you are right, she's at peace and not suffering anymore... TJ and all are in my prayers and thoughts..
  13. C

    Deaf partner or hearing?

    I wouldn't listen to others, follow your heart, be it.. if they can't accept you then they aren't your friends smile :)
  14. C

    ears hurting after a jog?

    maybe you just have an ear infection... :)
  15. C

    Seven or more eggs a week linked to death risk

    I love eggs especially toasted western mmmmm... it's not like you having fried eggs all the time.. no ... Really as you know there's so many myths about food or things you should or shouldn't have... I think you just do it in moderation... Sometimes I don't even read most of the stuff they...
  16. C

    Eye Frames...Pick One.

    ditto that too!! smile :)
  17. C

    Alldeaf Caucus Tshirts Voting Poll

    I would think maybe you could use the logo that's on the alldeaf 5th anniversary colours.. simple the better.. smile, I wish I was going as I have other committment as I've promise a few that I was gonna come last year but never got to it cause I fell ill for a long time sigh.. .. boohoo...
  18. C

    I didn't want to say anything but......

    chuckles aside Skullchick is from now on.. get a couple of safety pins like mothers put on babies so they don't lose their pacifers lmao.. sorry... (i'll be nice from now on) I do believe what your mom says, it'll show up when at least expected smile Smile,
  19. C

    I didn't want to say anything but......

    since you mentioned you were in the truck, could you check under the seats or on the sides even inside the seat... you'll be surprised... smile as I always seems to find my earrings in the car.. lol.. i guess cause the seatbelt always knocked it out of my ear without feeling it.. good luck...
  20. C

    Picture of Your Significant Other

    need a bigger glasses to see that smallest thumbnail picture lol...