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  1. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    + 1 (can't count, should of read the whole topic first before answering) hehehehe it's now +4
  2. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    you got it smile.. just like one person needing glasses to see and the other doesn't need one... should both be offended?? not smile... we all are HUMAN smile...
  3. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    aww, sometimes it's in their perspective that they think they are offended by not understanding the meaning of what you are asking or what you are aiming at... there's never a right or wrong to do things, just be yourself that's all it matters!!!! there will always be disagreements or agreements...
  4. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    what course is this?? smile I don't think you were offended as I think you asked it nice... I think also what you can do is don't write a long long note, just briefly or to the point.. I'm sure you'll be fine, with me I can speak and hear and if I don't understand or can't say it, I'll say can...
  5. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    the word "ALL" doesn't applied to us (had to throw that in) :laugh2: well all have different abilities to hear or read or write.. everyone is unique in their own way.. smile... there's no such thing as a Stupid question, the only way to know the answer is to ask smile :)
  6. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    HI again, I think I got it to work now... me and girlfriend decide to wipe it out since I already had a backup.. so far so good, wait till I go out tomorrow to test.. I think it was the connection problem all along.. whew... wait and see.. crossing my fingers and toes.. I think the 4.5 OS was...
  7. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    Also, I noticed that the "manage connection" i have both mobile network and wi-fi on but as I see that you have T-mobile beside the mobile network which I don't have anything beside it.. are you saying I to select - NONE for 'Active wi-fi connection?? for what reason?? I need to get this...
  8. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    lol it's the bbshooter (i think like screenprint on bb) software, it's really neat which I haven't done yet until I get this darn business over with.. ... well that's what my settings are... I was at three different rogers place... dang you would think they do know anything about it?? NOT...
  9. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    only edge at the moment when I sent emails in and out no problems.. IM's via JiveTalk, Facebook all under WIFI IMEI in the battery compartment?? Also, why does it show up Wlan with a number as well as MAc which I do not have a mac?? (explain?) I will be going out tomorrow to take...
  10. C

    Seven or more eggs a week linked to death risk

    Yeah I do agree with you as you do that then don't drink during the meal then wait 20 mins before you drink again... I think it goes for before meal to wait an hour before to eat then you won't need to eat so much.. I guess but I could be wrong!! :)
  11. C

    Happy birthday to Vampy

    ARIES ROCKS!!!!!!! :giggle: thanks :) :laugh2:
  12. C

    Happy birthday to Vampy

    I guess I'm realllllly late to say HAPPPY BELATED birthday" ... better late than nothing lol.. have a great one!! :)
  13. C

    Why Would You NOT Choose A CI?

    Personally I wouldn't know if I would want a CI or not simply because I can hear with my current digital hearing aids as I'm severely profounded deaf... why make it worst or what if you lose more of your hearing after the CI... I am not against anyone who has it.. more power to them ... It's a...
  14. C

    Seven or more eggs a week linked to death risk

    sometimes some fruits is in place of water if you can't drink alot of water... anything that's water soluble .. Also, I was told by dr. that you not suppose to drink water or anything during your meal, wait 20 mins after your meal then drink whatever you want.. so that you aren't washing down...
  15. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    I did put in the TCP settings as you quoted... what does it suppose to do?? :) also, I noticed that first thing in the morning it'll be lowercase edge.. if I take the battery out, it'll be in caps.. grrr.. thanks again, ps... wouldn't it be better if we get connected like msn or yahoo to...
  16. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    I'll be right back.. thanks for your help.. whoohoo. you have your own website, that's awesome.... oh darn it I miss the contest lol.. smile
  17. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    ekkkkkk sorrry!!!!! I was doing it like 4 am not thinking... thankyou hun!!!! :) muah
  18. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    awww... you miss me??? lol well have been darn busy with my online medical course and blahh blahh... why none for wi-fi connection?? OS is the 4.3 beta at the moment (grrr) all the things you told me... I've done it all.. smile grrr one other problem is that local Ip address has a .102...
  19. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    i've taken the battery and reboot so many times.. grrrr tanks for the heads up.. I guess it's a pain in the butt of what's the dang point having wifi... grrr thanks
  20. C

    XBGMER - I need your helppppp.... re. 8320

    XBGMER, I need all your help, I got the 8320 but umm.. unlocked one, I'm having trouble why once I'm out of my house, the wi-fi will be grayish and the EDGE would be in lowercase grrr., I can't send out any emails or messages grrr.. I love it but the wi-fi and edge is giving me a headache...