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  1. C

    Here I am again

    (off topic - I loveeeee your photo album... beautiful family, how did you do that?? )
  2. C

    Here I am again

    there's a tons of varieties of where the deaf like to be in ... I like to balance both world... as you mentioned about your friend whom had tough times, we all relate as well.. even I have some hearing friends going through that too... it works both ways... not all (here we go again) sticks with...
  3. C

    Here I am again

    I didn't see this post... I'm babbling away answering your questions in the other post... ekkk... Welcome to the Ad'rs Jungle :laugh2: I'm from Canada smile...
  4. C

    I am a chocoholic

    hehehehehe welcome to the Ad'rs Jungle girl... :laugh2: you crack me up too!!! I use the smiles too...I use to have a cat that acts like a dog!!! lol.. picks up a ball of paper when I throw it.. he'll bring it back and drop it... then I'll throw it again.. he comes back with it and drops it in...
  5. C

    Using the words Hearie & Deafie

    THANKyou for your compliment ... you gotta be ... the world with positivity would make the world a better place.. smile..
  6. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    BITE ME!!!!!!! sorry off topic HalfwayMan... (you will get this alot when some will go offfff track, so just tell them get back on the right track) ooopiess.. (my last one too)...
  7. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    wooohoooo!!! there you go!!! have fun with it... smile lol.. I should go check it out myself too... I only went to the Homecoming in 2005 or 2006 for the first time, I was in awe... unfortunately I didn't know there was such a deaf university when I was in public school due to mainstream but...
  8. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    well I think you did.. lol.. smile you just haven't post that much or maybe it's me haven't been keeping up with AD.. smile... well isn't that a nice compliment to say welcome back.. lol.. snickering...
  9. C

    Using the words Hearie & Deafie

    We are still learning everyday as well... there's never an ending, enjoy the journey while it lasts smile !!!
  10. C

    Using the words Hearie & Deafie

    each person say it differently whatever they are comfortable with it... they have to accept ya for who you are not for them to change ya.. smile I don't even say hearies (it just doesn't appeal to me) deafies (sometimes not always depending on the whole topic or conversation I will use it if...
  11. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    shhhh.... I've admitted my mistake... I typed before I think, oooppssss... thanks Boult!! welcome backkkk to AD!!!
  12. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    ditto that... noone is perfect that's what we have to think about smile.. we are HUMAN!! smile i love your avatar!!! :) so golden...
  13. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    ditto that about the reading part that's one of my good strength of english is from reading alot when I was younger... I know I find it harder when communicating with the deaf via Messenger, trying to go down to their level to understand... we just have to in our back of mind, we know what we...
  14. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    where are you based though as I'm sure most of us would tell ya there's a deaf community in your area... smile... there are tons that don't associates with the deaf or don't have a clue where to go... you aren't the only one.. we always learning everyday... this forum is the best place to start...
  15. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    well there goes my mistake lol.. I'm not the best person to tell ya then as I'm sure there's other Galludaent (spelling) students or former students here will tell ya cause I never went to a deaf college/university... sorry... Gally is a short form of the school name (too lazy to spell it all...
  16. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    chuckling!!!! you nut!!
  17. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    ACCEPTED GRACEFULLY... I do totally agree with CHASE!!! that you will always (opps not always) come to this no matter what you say or do... it's how anyone preserves it... just be yourself that's all it matters.. if they think it's offended then both to discuss outside of alldeaf then making a...
  18. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    probably the Gally History Library, be wary that there's always indifference among the deaf which is the right way or not.. it's a never ending journey... but but... we are getting better smile...
  19. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    yeah I knew a girl that is totally deaf only communication is ASL and is a darn intelligent girl that can read and write like a professor... she's amazing and inspiring to me..
  20. C

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    smile, no worries... we all do that at times... it's great to stand up for this... that shows how good of a person you are smile :)