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  1. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    well if he went to prison people would take care of him there... especially now that its in the court.. ugh
  2. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    I was actually tweeting at the same time that Ashton Kutcher did that, he admitted he didnt know what was going on and apologized immediately... I can say that PERSONALLY do know Ashton Kutcher and his family as they are from my home town and he would never support something like that, he even...
  3. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    I read those documents and wanted to get sick... The fact that something like this was just swept under the rug is seriously disturbing. This is equal to murder in my mind and possibly worse. Its astonishing how the VERY TOP officials of Penn State were just able to ignore this!
  4. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    Well his father told him to tell Coach Peterno which he did, but then did nothing! ugh :roll:
  5. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    Yeah I have been watching, they said as of now he is allowed to coach but like I said by the end of the week I am sure that will change. Either he will be fired or he just plain and simple wont want to go. I dont think if I were him id want to show my face there! THIS MAN had every chance to...
  6. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    No one is denying that this guy was a great, a legend, as a college football fan and writer I have written about Joe Pa many times. I understand the students and people in this organization are sad. But it comes down to the fact that his firing was just. They can grieve their loss, no one is...
  7. candybrowneyes

    Botti's hat

  8. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    No doubt everyone will be calling for Mike McQuearys job.. PSU will be cleaning house and he will be the next to go, and if I were that guy NOWAY would I want to be coaching Saturday as he is expected to be apart of it. Joe Paterno the legend of a University fired BUT NOT THIS GUY, im sure it...
  9. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    He saw what this man was doing to that 10 year old boy, YES 10 year old boy in the shower! You see it happening, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?? ME?! CALL THE COPS! Not go cry to daddy and say "this is what i saw"!! He tells daddy, daddy says tell coach peterno and THIS IS WHEN COACH PETERNO needed to say ...
  10. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    And regardless he was 28 years OLD! He had a chance to do something and DID NOTHING but tell the coach!!
  11. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    That person is now part of the coaching staff.
  12. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    Also... I think that if they are going to fire Joe Paterno they need to fire the man that ACTUALLY saw it take place. He did tell Paterno but he too could have went to the authorities.
  13. candybrowneyes


    Yes, I have been exercising and doing PT at the university. It seems to lessen my symptoms. Also changing your diet. I have been eating healthy and cutting sodium a lot. dotcomkari, if you do not have menieres I am kind of wondering why they would have you on Dyazide??? hmmm... I feel awful for...
  14. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    The people that are defending Joe Paterno are "fans". Last night when everything came out I don't think any of them realized the extent of what has happened. Joe Pa didn't commit the acts at hand, but he knew about them and it was his and anyone elses responsibility as HUMAN BEINGS to do the...
  15. candybrowneyes

    Hello from the UK!

    Welcome to AD! :) OR shall I say WB :)
  16. candybrowneyes

    ringing ears, and dizziness without hearing aids : (

    Well you may not have it but it is possible. You will under go a lot of tests to determine if you do or not. I really hope you don't it's a horrid disease to live with
  17. candybrowneyes

    ringing ears, and dizziness without hearing aids : (

    I have the same issues as you and I do have menieres. The ringing is always there but worse when I am not wearing my hearing aids.
  18. candybrowneyes

    Hearing Person Jealousy.

    I've read sarahs posts, in no way am I jealous of anything she has lol ooops bad mod!
  19. candybrowneyes

    I'm baaaaackkkkk

    Yay wb Alicia !!
  20. candybrowneyes

    Happy Friday any great plans for the weekend

    Football tomorrow! And Sunday! Plus we are having an early Thanksgiving Sunday at my parents house because we will be traveling to Texas for the real Thanksgiving! :) Butterball NOM NOM