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  1. candybrowneyes

    Possible new HA's :)

    This morning I called my Audi to schedule an appointment for a bit of a tune up for my HA's. I've had these since early 2009 but I wouldn't mind upgrading. These are great HA's and I probably will hang in there a little longer with these before the upgrade because of the cost but my Audi's...
  2. candybrowneyes


    Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is filled with fun and joy!!
  3. candybrowneyes

    Botts! Your late! Get in here!!

    Happy Happy Birthday Botti!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!
  4. candybrowneyes

    Would you choose be hearing?

    Mod note: moved to proper place :)
  5. candybrowneyes

    Would you choose be hearing?

    I've debated this since I've had hearing then lost it. But now I wouldn't change it. I love who I am and my deafness is a part of me. It's the other crap I deal with I'd change.
  6. candybrowneyes

    Hearing aids batteries

    I use microbattery I love it ;)
  7. candybrowneyes

    Only for people who love fashion...

    Rawrrrrr girl! Get it!
  8. candybrowneyes


    You'll always have issues lol
  9. candybrowneyes


    Hey guys just letting you know if you have emailed me with issues I won't be able to moderate till Sunday as I'm in Texas on an iPad. I'm not ignoring you or your questions. If your questions or reports have not been resolved by Sunday please know I'll be able to take care of everything when I...
  10. candybrowneyes

    Where are you having Thanksgiving?

    No we will not be heading through Arkansas, We will be heading west on I-80 and then we will hit I-35 All the way down to Killeen where my family is. Too bad though! Would have been nice to meet up! Also, I will be with my Mom, Dad, best friend and her son which is also my nephew. Should be a...
  11. candybrowneyes

    Where are you having Thanksgiving?

    Oh wow! How exciting! That should be fun! I have only been to Las Vegas out west but 2 weeks after I get home from Texas I will be going to AZ then NV! Have a great time!
  12. candybrowneyes

    Teachers caught on tape bullying special-needs girl

    Why on earth would these people want to even be teachers?! This is soooo shocking and sad :(
  13. candybrowneyes

    Why are you deaf?

    Meniere's! Oh the joys!
  14. candybrowneyes

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to AD :wave:
  15. candybrowneyes

    Where are you having Thanksgiving?

    Welcome to AD btw :) Did you post in the introduce yourself thread? Yeah its cold up here in Iowa so it will be nice to get out since its getting colder here! :wave:
  16. candybrowneyes

    Ex-Penn coach charges in sex cases

    Yep, thats because Mike McQueary has had to go into hiding because hes in fear of his life. Everyone is going to blame someone in this mess. BUT let me tell you the order of Blame.... Sandusky-----> McQueary------> THEN EVERYONE ELSE...
  17. candybrowneyes

    Where are you having Thanksgiving?

    Tomorrow I am leaving for a LONG drive to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with my family down there. I have 2 sets of aunts and uncles down there and a bunch of cousins I haven't seen in a very long time. AND some second cousins I have never seen before! Definitely looking forward to the almost 80...
  18. candybrowneyes

    ringing ears, and dizziness without hearing aids : (

    Good Luck at ENT nicky, I hope it all works out and they figure out what is going on.
  19. candybrowneyes


    ughh, another night of the spins, thank god I finished computer work and homework.... hope I can fall asleep quickly :(