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  1. candybrowneyes

    Las Vegas AD Meet Up!

    I wish the dates were different, I'll be in Vegas in May, but first week od August I'll be in Chicago for lollapalooza :) have fun everyone!
  2. candybrowneyes

    If you could live in any time period, which one and why??

    America, pre depression, something wonderful, sweet and simple about that time :)
  3. candybrowneyes

    my daughter was diagnosed w/Hearing loss

    It's apparent that the op is in denial about herself and her child. I was for a bit but I learned to accept myself for what I truly am. Deaf... Pure and simple and I'm happy!
  4. candybrowneyes

    my daughter was diagnosed w/Hearing loss

    I hear with hearing aids but I'm deaf.. I hate when people call me hearing impaired btw
  5. candybrowneyes

    my daughter was diagnosed w/Hearing loss

    Yes, I'm just trying to understand though. If you have a loss yourself, why you don't know the answer to this?
  6. candybrowneyes

    my daughter was diagnosed w/Hearing loss

    Lots of people have high frequency loss, he says trolling because what exactly do you want to know. You basically gave a lot of info that is sure to upset people and it seemed like you knew what points to touch on to do so. You just asked about high freq. loss with out asking for advice about...
  7. candybrowneyes

    Most amount of money you've found? (in $ US)

    Oh yeah! That is different! Once I was at the bank and I withdrew $200 and I got 300 I went back and said they gave me an extra 100 and the lady looked at me and said: "We don't make mistakes like that" uhhh, ok? LOL I did what i had to and told you so whatever! lol
  8. candybrowneyes

    just bann me. internet is a complete waste of time

    maybe so, I was on my ipad earlier and didn't feel that the use of punctuation was needed. :)
  9. candybrowneyes

    Most amount of money you've found? (in $ US)

    Well technically if the guest was gone, and they lost the money its a loss, what would the Boss do with it? It belongs to no one, lol
  10. candybrowneyes

    Most amount of money you've found? (in $ US)

    Aweeeeeeeeee!!! Your boss should have told you to keep it for being honest! At least you did a good thing, thats good Karma my friend :)
  11. candybrowneyes

    Most amount of money you've found? (in $ US)

    I wonder if your Boss kept it lol
  12. candybrowneyes

    Most amount of money you've found? (in $ US)

    I found a coin purse that had $428 in it and no ID or anything, sucked for that girl and made my trip a lil better lol
  13. candybrowneyes

    I got new Ipad 2

    You will love your ipad 2, I have one and I take it everywhere with me! :)
  14. candybrowneyes

    just bann me. internet is a complete waste of time

    lol yeah but if he wants to be banned who am I to stop him from what he really wants, lol:giggle:
  15. candybrowneyes

    just bann me. internet is a complete waste of time

    I do have a fairy wand be careful of what you wish for :)
  16. candybrowneyes

    Helix piercing and hearing aids?

    Mod note: moved to proper forum
  17. candybrowneyes

    Random Vents.....

    I just bought my 3rd smart phone this year :shock:
  18. candybrowneyes

    Contact Page HELP!

    no it was a contact page that I needed in jpg format but I figured it out, thank you though :)
  19. candybrowneyes

    Contact Page HELP!

    Hey Guys, as a lot of you know I am in school for Graphic Design. I have run into my first problem in class in just over a year. I have the whole Adobe CS5 suite. is it easier just creating a contact page in InDesign or in Bridge, and either way how do I make it a jpg and not a pdf? They have a...