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  1. candybrowneyes

    Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer

    lol it was more along the lines of chocolate added to Rumplemintz sooo awful, I had never drank a shake so fast in my life! :giggle:
  2. candybrowneyes

    Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer

    oh I also take ActiVit :) Liking that as well
  3. candybrowneyes

    Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer

    I do shakeology right now, and love the chocolate one, I have been mixing up different recipes :) fyi, adding just mint extract does not taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream LOL
  4. candybrowneyes

    Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer

    Thats great! I love my coach! She is amazing, I think when I get further along I will do it too! I want to try Insanity after I do this workout, that or Power 90, Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire, I have P90x and got into it but I need to be in better shape before I go further with that one lol One day...
  5. candybrowneyes

    Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer

    I suggest it for anyone who thinks they dont have time to work out, I sweat more in 10 minutes of his 10 minute Cardio workout than i do when I spend 45 minutes on an elliptical. It switches in between workouts and because the Yoga workout is so nice I do it before every 10 minute workout...
  6. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    I banned her before she had a chance to email me lol I was too annoyed to deal with BS and explanations from someone who doesn't even deserve to give one. Sunny was a different case because she had gotten so close to everyone. This person knew what she was doing and why she did it and didn't...
  7. candybrowneyes


    Im so sorry that you have gone through so much. Your attacks have seemed to be close to what mine are at times. So unpredictable and awful. I hope that you can find peace within your life..... I was depressed when I first was diagnosed and it wasnt fun, but then I came here and met people who...
  8. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    I'm only laughing because right now this is getting down right ridiculous. MynameISno is FAKE as well, you may remember her as Mintee or Kate something or another. I usually care about everyone here but guess what KATE I dont give a rats ass about you and your posts. Good riddance! A lot of you...
  9. candybrowneyes

    Random Vents.....

    Im working on that Robin! I say the F word way too much =( glad my fingers can control themselves sometimes lol
  10. candybrowneyes

    Iowa results change for Romney and Santorum

    I shall keep my mouth closed in regards to this and anything republican lol
  11. candybrowneyes

    Stop SOPA

    I kept refreshing reddit like it was going to be back this morning LOL but its important!
  12. candybrowneyes

    Difference of opinion on same issues....

    Im just saying that any time the subject is brought up it turns into an argument even in the very thread that basically protests against it. Because people have different opinions, it ALWAYS HAPPENS HERE! Offend me? No, bother me, yes. As it does everyone else.
  13. candybrowneyes

    Difference of opinion on same issues....

    Same discussion different thread folks... this was the whole reason this thread even exists because of the fight this has turned into... see that? :)
  14. candybrowneyes


    Im glad that works for you but what sucks is Menieres is different for everyone. Even having changed my diet and exercise and everything under the sun, I still need the meds. I still get dizzy spins here and there and I get an attack every once in awhile that puts me down for days at a time...
  15. candybrowneyes

    Baby Ava

    Mod Note: Moved to proper location
  16. candybrowneyes

    Difference of opinion on same issues....

    Regardless of if we all have differences the issue is if each can accept that and here that is hard for everyone to do because they believe so strongly in one or the other. Sometimes rather than debating, arguing and then full on fighting it is better to agree to disagree and move on.... BUT...
  17. candybrowneyes


    I am not sure why it would do that since its a water pill, which form of it are you taking? The name of it? Since Menieres and a lot of the symptoms are caused by the fluid build up triamterene should lesson the problem. If I dont take my pills I can notice a HUGE difference. Like saywhatkid, I...
  18. candybrowneyes

    Vegans alert!! new blog here

    Mod Note: Moved to proper forum :)
  19. candybrowneyes

    Courtesy and Respect in AllDeaf

    No, we can't read PMs unless they get reported to us. But this is what Im saying, you guys don't see the reports and what people say when they report, we do. thats all I was trying to say.
  20. candybrowneyes

    Courtesy and Respect in AllDeaf

    Ohhh where to start here. Alright a lot of good points are being made here but let me first start off by saying this. We are not here to make you guys miserable we are simply here to keep order of things. Also, let me address this whole electing mod thing. Alex picks mods because it is...