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  1. Darlin Tweety

    Your Christmas wish list?

    i REALLLY want BRAND new computer :D
  2. Darlin Tweety

    Hilarious pictures!

    lmaoo really funnny !! :D
  3. Darlin Tweety

    ATTN: Photoshop Users

    I am using Paint shop pro 7.0 and come with animation shop 3,0 i learning animation tags or signature etccc for two years now .. Paint shop pro 7.0 for three years now . i love that progam soo much !!
  4. Darlin Tweety

    I Nearly Pissed Myself

    hahaha :rofl: !!
  5. Darlin Tweety

    I'm called Cricket

    Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy yer stay
  6. Darlin Tweety

    Catch me if you can

    i have OWN dvd and watched OH MY GOSH!! damn goood movie made me keep watch movie untill the end wowowoowow he is good fake make design FAKE checks. cant believe that !!
  7. Darlin Tweety

    New here too :)

    Welcome to and enjoy yer stay smile
  8. Darlin Tweety

    my new cell!!!

    how much cost to buy cell and monthly ?? can ya send me the link for the cell please thank look so awesome why dont ya buy sidekick ???
  9. Darlin Tweety


    whooooa for sure my mom will YELLLLLL AT ME lmao lmao
  10. Darlin Tweety

    Train delays

    LMAOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! good one !! :rofl:
  11. Darlin Tweety

    A Dog named Sex

    :rofl: damn FUNNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Darlin Tweety

    make the bitch cum

    ewwwwwwwwwww i wont touch cum from diffrent men :rofl:
  13. Darlin Tweety

    Who's colored?

    lol funny
  14. Darlin Tweety

    A hearing friend gave me this from florida...

    OH MY GOSH that soooo FUNNNNY :rofl:
  15. Darlin Tweety

    Please sit down to pee

  16. Darlin Tweety

    Real World in Paris in MTV.

    i love watch Real World but miss two times row ughhh will do it on Tuesday !!
  17. Darlin Tweety

    Have you ever had Love Sick before?

    yes yes i was lovesick when i see my man last weekend and went back home awww miss him terrible want stay with him :( we are long distance dang.. we are condisdering i am going to move live with him prolly next year in Oceanside ca :D for sure spend time with him more often !!!!
  18. Darlin Tweety

    Did U noticed..

    :werd: with ya oh well !!
  19. Darlin Tweety

    The Osbournes

    I like The Obsournes!! i laughed about Ozzy went the denist my gosh cracking me up !!!