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  1. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    Maybe you're not able to anticipate the shot with your weak hand?
  2. jonnyghost

    13 of the toughest Lego sets to build

    Star Wars AT-AT!!!
  3. jonnyghost

    Anti-Game, anti-gun Senator Gets 5 Years in Prison

    5 years seems mild.
  4. jonnyghost

    Anti-Game, anti-gun Senator Gets 5 Years in Prison

    :applause: Gun trafficking is kind of an understatement for what he claimed he could get :rl:
  5. jonnyghost

    Funny Gifs/Pics

    That's funny, I had a dog that always did the same thing. Right for the eyeballs! I started cutting them off before I gave them to her so she couldn't swallow them.
  6. jonnyghost


    I needed braces and I didn't even suck my thumb :shock:
  7. jonnyghost


    My son loves the fuzzy blankets too. He won't go anywhere without his brown blanket. I don't see any reason to take these things away. My sister did suck her thumb for a long time and it did mess up her baby teeth but her adult teeth are fine. My son who's 3 sucks his thumb but I have no...
  8. jonnyghost

    Apple refuses to unlock San Bernardino terrorists phone for FBI investigation

    Social engineering is more than digging through the garbage. Look at the SecureID hack in 2011. They sent out phishing emails for a couple of days under the guise of a recruitment plan until a low level employee finally opened the .xls file that installed a back door through an adobe flash...
  9. jonnyghost

    Police departments rethinking the use of Tasers

    Obviously there have been instances of misuse but what are police supposed to do with non violent resisters? People die while getting arrested the old hand to hand way too and I'll bet more people get injured that way.
  10. jonnyghost

    Just curious . . . no politics, please.

    Nope. Not liking the options at all.
  11. jonnyghost

    Kanye West asks Zuckenberg for $1 billion dollars

    Why build a school in Africa when you can help Kanye West! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
  12. jonnyghost


    Happy birthday! Have fun at the movies. I'm looking forward to Deadpool. Hope it's good!
  13. jonnyghost

    Marlee Matlin at Superbowl 50

    I was pretty surprised how fast they cut away from her. Why have her there if you're not going to show her?
  14. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    They can be effective. Shoot 'um between the shirt pockets and they'll have a bad day. I've read good things about Hornady XTP 35 grain hollowpoints but I also read no one can find any :hmm:
  15. jonnyghost

    Politically Correctness

    You're trying to justify why you publicly corrected someones grammar. Publicly correcting someones errors is generally humiliating for the receiver and done to show the superiority of the giver. Everyone knows what the post was about.
  16. jonnyghost

    Politically Correctness

    Although we don't often use the word man to mean everyone anymore we still have tons of words that use man in that way. Seems silly to change them all because some people misunderstand them. I don't think grammar bullying is going to fix the unemployment rate.
  17. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    I find I can only shoot pocket autos up to about 10 to 15 yards before I get pretty wild results. I think the LC9 is a little bigger than you beretta.
  18. jonnyghost

    Politically Correctness

    We are not children and don't need to be spoken to as such.
  19. jonnyghost

    The Baby Gang

    :lol: She needs some duct tape.
  20. jonnyghost

    My Protein ...

    You just got 2% chanced! You should get a lottery ticket today :lol: Congrats man!