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  1. jonnyghost

    This Is So Disgusting , Trying To Made Money On A State Trooper Death

    Same as when people call you for money to help after a hurricane. Some people will use any means to scam you out of money.
  2. jonnyghost

    Safety thread

    So a few years ago all the islands and peninsulas on the coast of Maine got evacuation signs. In a couple locations on the main rd there will be a sign that say "evacuation rout". I was thinking though, doesn't it make much more sense to have the signs on the other side of the road saying...
  3. jonnyghost

    What Are Jobs Deaf People Can't Do?

    Metronomes just keep time. A tuning fork is used for pitch. There are electronic tuners so maybe it could be done without hearing.
  4. jonnyghost

    What's The Most Money You've Spent On An Outfit?

    $200 for the suit I got married in. It was on sale =) In my neighborhood $40k is about half the cost for a decent house with a couple acres of land.
  5. jonnyghost

    Ny Woman Arrested After Driving With Homemade License Plate On Car

    Someone needs to learn photoshop.
  6. jonnyghost

    Cesar Millan Under Investigation For Animal Cruelty

    I used to like him but the more I saw the more I realized he was just a bully.
  7. jonnyghost

    Alabama Lawmaker Proposes Mandatory Castration For Child Sex Offenders

    DeafDucky's right. There have been a couple cases come up where a stroke or accident has caused someone to become attrackted to chilldren. Really points the finger at a physical problem in at least some cases.
  8. jonnyghost

    Little girl calls 911 b/c she can't get pants on

    2 is a great age :)
  9. jonnyghost

    Chumlee From Pawn Stars Arrested For Weapon And Drug Charges

    Ha! I thought the same thing. Suppose he might have just started.
  10. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    I tried my P220 at 100 yards once. I didn't hit the target but that pie plate had to change it's pants after :) Seriously though it was like lobbing basketballs.
  11. jonnyghost

    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    No restrictions in Maine for long distance hunting shots but most of my hunting is in the bush where you're lucky to see 20 yards. I'm not practiced enough to shoot past 200 for hunting but it's fun on paper!
  12. jonnyghost

    Chumlee From Pawn Stars Arrested For Weapon And Drug Charges

    Meth and sexual assault not good. To bad he's gone down that road.
  13. jonnyghost

    O.J. Simpson Not Getting A Retrial, Nevada Supreme Court Rules

    They can't try him for murder again but they may be able to charge him with something else.
  14. jonnyghost

    O.J. Simpson Not Getting A Retrial, Nevada Supreme Court Rules

    I'm sure they are capable of making a just decision. I remember watching the trail and seeing the prosecutors constantly fall into the traps of Cochran and OJ's dream team of lawyers. Take into account the bungled police work and the fumbling prosecution how could you not have doubts as a...
  15. jonnyghost

    Great Weekend

    Still to cold out for me to eat frozen custard :cold: It's nice to get outside though!
  16. jonnyghost

    Hello AD

    Glad you're back! Even gladder your health is better!
  17. jonnyghost

    Utah father says newborn’s mother placed child for adoption

    What kind of people are the adoptive parents!!!??? I could see how laws can be screwed up and judges are required to obey them but what kind of people could do that? I hope it does go to the supreme court. I don't understand how they can take that mans baby away.
  18. jonnyghost

    Baby number 3!

    So cute! I just had a baby girl too. I'm only on number two though! Think it might stay that way :)
  19. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    That is exactly the problem. People where spraying bullets like they see in the movies. I agree that the rate of fire was not the issue. As for houses being to close well a 30-06 bullet can travel over 3 miles so I think it's best to just not shoot over the berm.
  20. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    I know that the range near me started a 2 second rule for the outdoor range because people where spraying bullets down range, some of wich went over the burm and hit some houses a distance away.