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  1. jonnyghost

    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    I certainly understand the social withdrawal. Especially when most people socialize at parties, pubs and restaurants. Look around for hobby clubs that might interest you. I find they tend to be smaller, quieter and more organized. They also tend to only gather for an hour or two so you're less...
  2. jonnyghost

    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    They tried the suppressor bill before but there may be more support this time around
  3. jonnyghost

    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    Maine changed last year or the year before so now we can hunt with suppressors. I think there may have been some other states that have changed recently.
  4. jonnyghost

    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    "Modern suppressors allow the use of full-power ammunition, do not reduce the muzzle velocity, do not contact the bullet during flight, and often aid accuracy." There is also a bill that has been reintroduced...
  5. jonnyghost

    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    They have some pretty fancy ones now but basically you have the receiver in your ear and it picks up a mic that might be clipped to a person or on a table. It transmits and receives FM radio signals so it's wireless.
  6. jonnyghost

    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    That was the old style that had "wipes" The first round punched a hole in the wipe and then every round after squeaked through the hole shaving off FPS and a little bullet. Modern silencers are machined to tight tolerances so there is a very small amount of space around the bullet when it passes...
  7. jonnyghost

    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    Here's one. I'll have to track down the other I was thinking of when I remember the doctors name. Donna R. Moore, B.S. 2015 done for requirements for the Degree Doctor of Audiology The purpose of the...
  8. jonnyghost

    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    A learning disability is a neurological disorder. I agree it can't be practiced out but I think it can get better with effort. Or perhaps I just cope better, I'd believe that too.
  9. jonnyghost

    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    I'm sure you'll agree when I say HA! It only affected my school life, social life and career. Other than that it hasn't had much impact.
  10. jonnyghost

    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    Old style silencers with wipes would slow the bullet down a little. Modern ones will have to effect on velocity. He's probably noticing the recoil more with the boom gone.
  11. jonnyghost

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    Sorry to hear that. You did all you could. Feel good about that.
  12. jonnyghost

    A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    Originally it stood for the "Assault Kilt size 47" worn by the 51st Scots Infantry Brigade before it was replaced by the black nylon tactical kilt worn today.
  13. jonnyghost

    Stupid comments

    LMAO! Honestly though, if we outlawed stupid comments we could get rid of twitter and facebook. I just don't pay that much attention.
  14. jonnyghost

    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    I think that's the difference. I know there have been people doing studies about APD and hearing aids but there is still much disagreement about it apparently. I've wondered if the directional capabilities work well enough to help.
  15. jonnyghost

    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    I'm a big believer in brain plasticity. I'm a thousand times better than I was as a kid because I've worked very hard at it but I will never be without it. It's still a lot of work following conversation and I still have a hard time with tone of voice. I haven't found any programs that are for...
  16. jonnyghost

    What have you done for your apd (auditory processing disorder)?

    I don't know about pain meds affecting apd but ibuprofen makes my tinnitus crazy for days. As far as apd goes, when I found out that's what it was I was excited. I thought it was something I could fix or improve. I havn't found any way to make it any easier.
  17. jonnyghost

    Planning to turn my garage into a gym

    Epoxy overlayments are expensive and will still chip/crack if you drop something hard and heavy on them. What about just laying down some Tongue and groove OSB?
  18. jonnyghost

    Chicago's 'out of control' violence produces 762 homicides in 2016

    There is such an us vs them between the police and citizens in the cities these days. Without the police and the communities working together you can't get much done. Coupled with the fact that gang life has both family/protection and monetary appeal for those with very few other options it's...
  19. jonnyghost

    Alabama executes man for 1994 convenience store killing

    I used to be for the death penalty but the number of people on death row that are found to be innocent makes one pause.
  20. jonnyghost

    America is to desperate

    Although it bothers me I do think flag burning should be allowed. On the same note I think people should be allowed to sell cakes to who they want (Again, even if I don't personally agree). What gets me is that the same people that will burn a flag will cry hate speech if someone says something...